


(verb.) serve in a specific professional capacity; 'the priest sat for confession'; 'she sat on the jury'.

(verb.) be seated.

(verb.) be in session; 'When does the court of law sit?'.

(verb.) be located or situated somewhere; 'The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue'.

(verb.) be around, often idly or without specific purpose; 'The object sat in the corner'; 'We sat around chatting for another hour'.

迪克整理--From WordNet


(-) obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Sit, for sitteth.

(v. t.) To rest upon the haunches, or the lower extremity of the trunk of the body; -- said of human beings, and sometimes of other animals; as, to sit on a sofa, on a chair, or on the ground.

(v. t.) To perch; to rest with the feet drawn up, as birds do on a branch, pole, etc.

(v. t.) To remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.

(v. t.) To lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh; -- with on; as, a weight or burden sits lightly upon him.

(v. t.) To be adjusted; to fit; as, a coat sts well or ill.

(v. t.) To suit one well or ill, as an act; to become; to befit; -- used impersonally.

(v. t.) To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.

(v. t.) To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.

(v. t.) To occupy a place or seat as a member of an official body; as, to sit in Congress.

(v. t.) To hold a session; to be in session for official business; -- said of legislative assemblies, courts, etc.; as, the court sits in January; the aldermen sit to-night.

(v. t.) To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of one's self made, as a picture or a bust; as, to sit to a painter.

(v. t.) To sit upon; to keep one's seat upon; as, he sits a horse well.

(v. t.) To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to; -- used reflexively.

(v. t.) To suit (well / ill); to become.



v. n. [1]. Be seated, have a seat.[2]. Perch (as a bird).[3]. Stay, rest, settle.[4]. Brood (as fowls), incubate.[5]. Fit, be adjusted.[6]. Hold a session.



v.i. to rest on the haunches: to perch as birds: to rest: to remain abide: to brood: to occupy a seat esp. officially: to be officially engaged: to blow from a certain direction as the wind: to be worn to fit to be becoming: to take an attitude of readiness or for any special purpose: to hold a deliberative session.—v.t. to keep a seat or good seat upon: to seat place on a seat:—pr.p. sit′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. sat.—n. a subsidence of the roof of a coal-mine: (slang) a situation.—adj. Sit′-fast fixed stationary.—n. a callosity of the skin under the saddle often leading to ulcer.—ns. Sit′ter; Sit′ting state of resting on a seat: a seat a special seat allotted to a seat-holder at church &c.; also the right to hold such: the part of the year in which judicial business is transacted: the act or time of resting in a posture for a painter to take a likeness: an official meeting to transact business: uninterrupted application to anything for a time: the time during which one continues at anything: a resting on eggs for hatching the number hatched at one time; Sit′ting-room the parlour or most commonly used room in many houses.—Sit down to take a seat: to pause rest: to begin a siege; Sit loose or loosely to be careless or indifferent; Sit on or upon to hold an official inquiry regarding: (slang) to repress check; Sit out to sit or to sit apart during: to await the close of; Sit under to be in the habit of hearing the preaching of; Sit up to raise the body from a recumbent to a sitting position: to keep watch during the night (with).





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