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[red] or [rɛd]


(noun.) red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood.

(noun.) a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana.

(adj.) of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies .

Inputed by Billy--From WordNet


() . imp. & p. p. of Read.

(v. t.) To put on order; to make tidy; also, to free from entanglement or embarrassement; -- generally with up; as, to red up a house.

(superl.) Of the color of blood, or of a tint resembling that color; of the hue of that part of the rainbow, or of the solar spectrum, which is furthest from the violet part.

(n.) The color of blood, or of that part of the spectrum farthest from violet, or a tint resembling these.

(n.) A red pigment.

(n.) An abbreviation for Red Republican. See under Red, a.

(a.) The menses.

Editor: Murdoch


v.t. to put in order make tidy: to disentangle: (coll.) to separate two men in fighting.—ns. Red′der (Scot.) one who endeavours to settle a quarrel; Red′ding the process of putting in order; Red′ding-comb a large-toothed comb for dressing the hair; Red′ding-straik (Scot.) a stroke received in trying to separate fighters.

adj. (comp. Red′der; superl. Red′dest) of a colour like blood: ultra-radical revolutionary.—n. one of the primary colours of several shades as scarlet pink carmine vermilion &c.: a red cent the smallest coin of the United States.—adjs. Red′-backed having a red back; Red′-beaked -billed having a red beak or bill; Red′-bell′ied having the under parts red.—n. Red′-bell′y the United States slider a terrapin: the Welsh torgoch a char.—adj. Red′-belt′ed having a red band or bands.—n. Red′-bird the common European bullfinch: the United States grosbeak also the tanager.—adj. Red′-blood′ed having reddish blood.—ns. Red′-book a book containing the names of all persons in the service of the state: the peerage; Red′breast a favourite song-bird so called from the red colour of its breast the robin; Red′-bud the Judas-tree of America; Red′-cabb′age a variety of cabbage with purplish heads used for pickling; Red′-cap a species of goldfinch having a conical crest of red feathers on the top of the head: a ghost with long teeth who haunts some Scotch castles; Red′-cent a copper cent; Red′-chalk -clay (see Reddle); Red′-coat a British soldier so called from his red coat; Red′-cock (slang) an incendiary fire; Red′-cor′al the most important kind of coral in commerce found off the coasts of Algiers and Tunis and the Italian islands.—adj. Red′-corpus′cled having red blood-discs.—n. Red′-Crag a division of the Pliocene.—adjs. Red′-crest′ed having a red crest; Red′-cross wearing or distinguished by a cross of a red colour.—n. the badge and flag adopted by every society of whatever nation formed for the aid of the sick and wounded in time of war recognised by the military authorities of its own nation and enjoying certain privileges and immunities under the Convention of Geneva (1864).—n. Red′-deer a species of deer which is reddish-brown in summer: the common stag.—v.t. Red′den to make red.—v.i. to grow red: to blush.—adj. Red′dish somewhat red: moderately red.—ns. Red′dishness; Red′-dog the lowest grade of flour in high milling; Red′-drum the southern red-fish or red-bass of the southern Atlantic coast of the United States; Red′-earth the reddish loam frequently found in regions composed of limestones; Red′-eye or Rudd a fresh-water fish of the same genus as the roach chub and minnow.—adjs. Red′-faced (Shak.) having a red face; Red′-fig′ured relating to an ancient Greek ceramic ware in which a black glaze was painted over the surface so as to leave the design in the red of the body.—n. Red′-gum strophulus a skin disease usually occurring in infants about the time of teething and consisting of minute red pimples with occasional red patches.—adjs. Red′-haired Red′-head′ed having red hair.—n. Red′-hand a bloody hand: (her.) a sinister hand erect open and 'couped ' the distinguishing badge of baronets.—adj. Red′-hand′ed in the very act as if with bloody hands.—n. Red′-head a person with red hair: the pochard a red-headed duck.—adj. Red′-hot heated to redness.—ns. Red′-lac the Japan wax-tree; Red′-latt′ice (Shak.) an alehouse window then usually painted red; Red′-lead a preparation of lead of a fine red colour used in painting &c.—adj. Red′-legged having red legs or feet as a bird.—n. Red′-legs the European red-legged partridge: the turnstone: the red-shank: (bot.) the bistort.—adj. Red′-lett′er having red letters: auspicious or fortunate as a day the holidays or saints' days being indicated by red letters in the old calendars.—n. Red′-liq′uor a crude aluminium acetate used as a mordant in calico-printing.—adjs. Red′-litt′en showing a red light; Red′-looked (Shak.) having a red look.—adv. Red′ly.—adj. Red′-mad (prov.) quite mad.—n. Red′-met′al one of several alloys of copper used in silver-ware: a Japanese alloy used in decorative metal-work.—adj. Red′-necked having a red neck.—n. Red′ness.—adjs. Red′-nose -nosed having a red nose like a habitual drunkard.—ns. Red′-oak an oak with heavy and durable reddish wood rising to ninety feet high in eastern North America; Red′-plague a form of the plague marked by a red spot or bubo; Red′-poll a small northern finch: the common European linnet: the North American palm-warbler.—adjs. Red′-polled; Red′-ribbed (Tenn.) having red ribs.—ns. Red′-root a genus of plants of the natural order RhamnaceNew Jersey Tea; Reds or Red Republicans (see Republic); Red′-saun′ders the sliced or rasped heart-wood of Pterocarpus santalinus used for giving colour to alcoholic liquors &c.—v.i. Red′sear to break when too hot.—ns. Red′seed small crustaceans which float on the sea; Red′-shank an aquatic bird of the snipe family with legs of a bright-red colour: a name given in ridicule to the Scottish Highlanders and to the Irish.—adj. Red′-short noting iron that is brittle at red-heat.—ns. Red′-short′ness; Red′skin a Red Indian; Red′-staff a miller's straight-edge used in dressing millstones; Red′start a bird belonging to the family of the warblers appearing in Britain as a summer bird of passage; Red′streak an apple so called from the colour of its skin; Red′-tail the red-tailed buzzard one of the commonest hawks of North America.—adj. Red′-tailed (Shak.) having a red tail.—ns. Red′-thrush the red-wing; Red′-top a kind of bent grass; Red′-wa′ter a disease of cattle named from the urine being reddened with the red globules of the blood.—adj. Red′-wat′-shod (Scot.) walking in blood over the shoes.—ns. Red′-weed the common poppy; Red′-wing a species of thrush well known in Britain as a winter bird of passage having an exquisite clear flute-like song; Red′wood a Californian timber-tree growing to nearly three hundred feet high.—adj. Red′-wud (Scot.) stark mad.—Red-cross knight a knight having on his shield a red cross; Red ensign the British flag for all vessels not belonging to the navy consisting of a plain red flag having the canton filled by the Union-jack (before 1864 also the special flag of the Red Squadron); Red-gum tree a species of Eucalyptus attaining the height of 200 feet; Red pheasant a tragopan; Red snow snow coloured by the minute alga Protococcus nivalis found in large patches in arctic and alpine regions.—Indian red a permanent red pigment orig. a natural earth rich in oxide of iron now prepared artificially.—Royal Red Cross a decoration for nurses instituted by Queen Victoria in 1883.

(Spens.) pa.t. of read declared.

Checker: Scott


Inputed by Barbara


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