
['sev(ə)n] or ['sɛvn]


(noun.) the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one.

(adj.) being one more than six .

校对:凯尔西--From WordNet


(a.) One more than six; six and one added; as, seven days make one week.

(n.) The number greater by one than six; seven units or objects.

(n.) A symbol representing seven units, as 7, or vii.



adj. and n. six and one.—adj. Sev′en-fold folded seven times: multiplied seven times.—n. Sev′en-night seven days and nights: a week the time from one day of the week to the same again—also contr. Sennight (sen′nīt).—adj. Sev′enth last of seven next after the sixth.—n. one of seven equal parts.—adv. Sev′enthly.—Seven cardinal chief or principal virtues (see Cardinal); Seven champions of Christendom St George for England St Andrew for Scotland St Patrick for Ireland St David for Wales St Denis for France St James for Spain St Anthony for Italy; Seven deadly sins pride covetousness lust anger gluttony envy and sloth; Seven dolours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (see Dolour); Seven free arts (see Arts); Seven gifts of the Holy Ghost wisdom understanding counsel ghostly strength or fortitude knowledge godliness and the fear of the Lord; Seven sages or wise men Solon of Athens Thales of Miletus Pittacus of Mitylene Bias of Priene in Caria Chilon of Sparta Cleobulus tyrant of Lindus in Rhodes and Periander tyrant of Corinth; Seven Sleepers seven Christian youths at Ephesus who took refuge in a cave about 250 A.D. in the persecution of Decius were walled up by their pursuers fell into a deep sleep and only awoke in 447 under Theodosius II.; Seven stars the Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn: the constellation Ursa Major: the Pleiades; Seven wise masters the most common title given to a famous medieval collection of stories grouped round a central story of the birth education and trials of a young prince. Accused like Joseph he is sentenced to death but each one of the seven viziers gains a day out of the fated seven during which the prince may not open his mouth by two tales against women. At the end of the seventh day the prince is free to speak and quickly clears his character; Seven wonders of the world the Pyramids of Egypt the Hanging (i.e. terraced) Gardens of Babylon the Temple of Diana at Ephesus the Statue of Jupiter at Athens by Phidias the Mausoleum erected by Artemisia at Halicarnassus the Colossus at Rhodes and the Pharos of Alexandria; Seven years' war (1756-63) the third and severest struggle for the possession of Silesia between Frederick the Great and the Empress Maria Theresa together with the allies on both sides; it gave Silesia to Frederick and to England the mastery of North America and India.





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