
['dʒɜːn(ə)l] or ['dʒɝnl]


(noun.) the part of the axle contained by a bearing.

(noun.) a record book as a physical object.

(noun.) a periodical dedicated to a particular subject; 'he reads the medical journals'.

录入:诺顿--From WordNet


(a.) Daily; diurnal.

(a.) A diary; an account of daily transactions and events.

(a.) A book of accounts, in which is entered a condensed and grouped statement of the daily transactions.

(a.) A daily register of the ship's course and distance, the winds, weather, incidents of the voyage, etc.

(a.) The record of daily proceedings, kept by the clerk.

(a.) A newspaper published daily; by extension, a weekly newspaper or any periodical publication, giving an account of passing events, the proceedings and memoirs of societies, etc.

(a.) That which has occurred in a day; a day's work or travel; a day's journey.

(a.) That portion of a rotating piece, as a shaft, axle, spindle, etc., which turns in a bearing or box. See Illust. of Axle box.



n. [1]. Diary, daily register.[2]. Newspaper, magazine, periodical.



n. (mech.) that part of a shaft or axle which rests in the bearings.—v.t. to insert as a shaft in a journal-bearing.

n. a daily register or diary: a book containing an account of each day's transactions: a newspaper published daily or otherwise: a magazine: the transactions of any society.—n. Journalese′ the language of journalism.—v.i. Jour′nalīse to write articles for a journal.—v.t. to enter in a journal:—pr.p. jour′nalīsing; pa.p. jour′nalīsed.—ns. Jour′nalism the keeping of a journal: the profession of conducting or writing for public journals; Jour′nalist one who writes for or conducts a newspaper.—adj. Journalist′ic pertaining to journalism.





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