(noun.) male donkey.
(noun.) any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas.
(noun.) tool for exerting pressure or lifting.
(noun.) one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince.
(noun.) small flag indicating a ship's nationality.
(noun.) game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks.
(noun.) an electrical device consisting of a connector socket designed for the insertion of a plug.
(noun.) a small ball at which players aim in lawn bowling.
(noun.) a small worthless amount; 'you don't know jack'.
(verb.) lift with a special device; 'jack up the car so you can change the tire'.
布兰奇手打--From WordNet
(n.) A large tree, the Artocarpus integrifolia, common in the East Indies, closely allied to the breadfruit, from which it differs in having its leaves entire. The fruit is of great size, weighing from thirty to forty pounds, and through its soft fibrous matter are scattered the seeds, which are roasted and eaten. The wood is of a yellow color, fine grain, and rather heavy, and is much used in cabinetwork. It is also used for dyeing a brilliant yellow.
(n.) A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John.
(n.) An impertinent or silly fellow; a simpleton; a boor; a clown; also, a servant; a rustic.
(n.) A popular colloquial name for a sailor; -- called also Jack tar, and Jack afloat.
(n.) A mechanical contrivance, an auxiliary machine, or a subordinate part of a machine, rendering convenient service, and often supplying the place of a boy or attendant who was commonly called Jack
(n.) A device to pull off boots.
(n.) A sawhorse or sawbuck.
(n.) A machine or contrivance for turning a spit; a smoke jack, or kitchen jack.
(n.) A wooden wedge for separating rocks rent by blasting.
(n.) A lever for depressing the sinkers which push the loops down on the needles.
(n.) A grating to separate and guide the threads; a heck box.
(n.) A machine for twisting the sliver as it leaves the carding machine.
(n.) A compact, portable machine for planing metal.
(n.) A machine for slicking or pebbling leather.
(n.) A system of gearing driven by a horse power, for multiplying speed.
(n.) A hood or other device placed over a chimney or vent pipe, to prevent a back draught.
(n.) In the harpsichord, an intermediate piece communicating the action of the key to the quill; -- called also hopper.
(n.) In hunting, the pan or frame holding the fuel of the torch used to attract game at night; also, the light itself.
(n.) A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body through a small distance. It consists of a lever, screw, rack and pinion, hydraulic press, or any simple combination of mechanical powers, working in a compact pedestal or support and operated by a lever, crank, capstan bar, etc. The name is often given to a jackscrew, which is a kind of jack.
(n.) The small bowl used as a mark in the game of bowls.
(n.) The male of certain animals, as of the ass.
(n.) A young pike; a pickerel.
(n.) The jurel.
(n.) A large, California rock fish (Sebastodes paucispinus); -- called also boccaccio, and merou.
(n.) The wall-eyed pike.
(n.) A drinking measure holding half a pint; also, one holding a quarter of a pint.
(n.) A flag, containing only the union, without the fly, usually hoisted on a jack staff at the bowsprit cap; -- called also union jack. The American jack is a small blue flag, with a star for each State.
(n.) A bar of iron athwart ships at a topgallant masthead, to support a royal mast, and give spread to the royal shrouds; -- called also jack crosstree.
(n.) The knave of a suit of playing cards.
(n.) A coarse and cheap mediaeval coat of defense, esp. one made of leather.
(n.) A pitcher or can of waxed leather; -- called also black jack.
(v. i.) To hunt game at night by means of a jack. See 2d Jack, n., 4, n.
(v. t.) To move or lift, as a house, by means of a jack or jacks. See 2d Jack, n., 5.
n. used as a familiar name or diminutive of John: a saucy or paltry fellow: a sailor: any instrument serving to supply the place of a boy or helper as a bootjack for taking off boots a contrivance for turning a spit (smoke-jack roasting-jack) a screw for raising heavy weights a figure which strikes the bell in clocks: the male of some animals: a young pike: a support to saw wood on: a miner's wedge: a flag displayed from the bowsprit of a ship: a leather pitcher or bottle: a coat of mail: (coll.) a knave in cards: the small white ball that forms the aim in bowls.—ns. Jack′-a-dan′dy a dandy or fop esp. if diminutive; Jack′-a-Lan′tern the ignis fatuus or Will-o'-the-Wisp; Jack′-a-Lent′ (Shak.) a boy (for Jack of Lent a kind of puppet formerly thrown at in sport at Lent); Jack′-block a block of pulleys used for raising and lowering topgallant-masts.—n.pl. Jack′boots large boots reaching above the knee to protect the leg formerly worn by cavalry and covered with plates of iron.—ns. Jack′-cross′-tree the cross-tree at the head of a topgallant-mast; Jack′-flag a flag which is hoisted at the spritsail topmast-head; Jack′-fool an absolute ass; Jack′-in-off′ice a conceited and impertinent official; Jack′-in-the-box′ a box with a figure in it that springs up when the lid is lifted; Jack′-in-the-green′ a May-day chimney-sweep almost covered up with green shrubs; Jack′-knife a large clasp-knife; Jack′-man a soldier armed with a jack or coat of mail: a retainer; Jack′-nas′ty a sneak a sloven; Jack′-of-all′-trades one who can turn his hand to anything; Jack′-plane a large strong plane used by joiners; Jack′-pudd′ing a merry-andrew buffoon; Jack′-rabb′it one of several species of prairie-hares with very long ears and legs; Jack′-raft′er a rafter shorter than the rest used in hip-roofs; Jack′-sauce (Shak.) a saucy fellow; Jack′-screw a screw for raising heavy weights; Jack′-slave (Shak.) a low servant a vulgar fellow; Jack′-smith a smith who makes jacks for the kitchen; Jack′-snipe a small species of snipe; Jack′-staff the staff on which the jack is hoisted.—n.pl. Jack′-stays ropes or strips of wood or iron stretched along the yards of a ship to bind the sails to.—ns. Jack′-straw a straw effigy a low servile fellow; Jack′-tar a sailor; Jack′-towel a long endless towel passing over a roller.—Jack Frost frost personified as a mischievous fellow; Jack Ketch a public hangman—from one so named under James II.; Jack Sprat a diminutive fellow.—Cheap Jack (see Cheap); Every man Jack one and all; Yellow Jack (slang) yellow fever.
An instrument requiring a strong arm, and used for raising heavy weights, or for pulling off the boots.
- And you needn't nudge him, Mr Jack Mullins, for I know your work begins early tomorrow, and I say the same to you. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 我们共同的朋友.
- I do, said the Jack. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
- These jack-rabbits are a very peculiar species. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
- Why, what do you make out that they done with their buttons then, Jack? 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
- Moult was in England, Jack in Switzerland, Charley in Spain. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
- They take with them a quantity of food, and when the commissary department fails they skirmish, as Jack terms it in his sinful, slangy way. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
- Two horses lame (mine and Jack's) and the others worn out. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
- I determined to ask Joe why he had ever taught me to call those picture-cards Jacks, which ought to be called knaves. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
- These jacks were controlled by a series of valves, which were so designed that any one jack or any set of jacks desired could be operated. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
- In pushing a shield forward with the battery of powerful hydraulic jacks, each advance is of two feet, and must be followed immediately by installation of the permanent lining in the rear. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
- This was necessary as the direction of the shield was, as it were, guided by the pressure of the jacks. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
- To move the shield forward, each shield was equipped with sixteen hydraulic jacks, arranged around the shield circumferentially. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.
- He calls the knaves Jacks, this boy! 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
- Behind this diaphragm are placed a number of hydraulic jacks, so arranged that by thrusting against the last erected iron ring the entire shield is pushed forward. 佚名. 神奇的知识之书.