


n. the gas into which most liquids and solids are convertible by heat: the condition of a body when it becomes gas by heat: water in the atmosphere: anything vain or transitory: (pl.) a disease of nervous weakness in which a variety of strange images float before the mind temporary depression of spirits dejection.—v.i. to pass off in vapour: to evaporate: to boast: to brag.—v.t. to make to pass into vapour: to cause to dissolve into gas thin air or other unsubstantial thing: (rare) to depress dispirit: (obs.) to bully.—adjs. Vā′porable Vā′porisable capable of being converted into vapour.—n. Vaporā′rium a Russian bath.—adjs. Vaporif′erous producing vapour; Vaporif′ic converting into steam or other vapour; Vā′poriform existing in the form of vapour.—n. Vaporisā′tion.—v.t. Vā′porise to convert into vapour.—v.i. to pass off in vapour.—adj. Vā′porish full of vapours: hypochondriacal: peevish.—n. Vaporom′eter an instrument for measuring the pressure of a vapour.—adjs. Vā′porous Vā′porose full of or like vapour: vain: affected with the vapours: unsubstantial vainly imaginative.—adv. Vā′porously.—ns. Vā′porousness Vaporos′ity; Vā′pour-bath an apparatus for bathing the body in vapour of water.—adj. Vā′poured full of vapours: affected with the vapours.—ns. Vā′pourer one who vapours a boaster; Vā′pouring windy or ostentatious talk.—adv. Vā′pouringly.—adj. Vā′poury full of vapour: affected with the vapours: peevish.





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