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(noun.) a light brown the color of topaz.

(noun.) a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun.

(verb.) get a tan, from wind or sun.

(verb.) treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather.

(adj.) of a light yellowish-brown color .

手打:莉莎--From WordNet


(n.) See Picul.

(n.) The bark of the oak, and some other trees, bruised and broken by a mill, for tanning hides; -- so called both before and after it has been used. Called also tan bark.

(n.) A yellowish-brown color, like that of tan.

(n.) A brown color imparted to the skin by exposure to the sun; as, hands covered with tan.

(a.) Of the color of tan; yellowish-brown.

(n.) To convert (the skin of an animal) into leather, as by usual process of steeping it in an infusion of oak or some other bark, whereby it is impregnated with tannin, or tannic acid (which exists in several species of bark), and is thus rendered firm, durable, and in some degree impervious to water.

(n.) To make brown; to imbrown, as by exposure to the rays of the sun; as, to tan the skin.

(v. i.) To get or become tanned.



v. a. [1]. Convert into leather, impregnate with tannin.[2]. Imbrown, make tawny.



n. bark of the oak &c. bruised and broken for tanning: a yellowish-brown colour.—v.t. to convert skins and hides into leather by steeping in vegetable solutions containing tannin: to make brown or tawny: to take the freshness from: (coll.) to beat.—v.i. to become tanned:—pr.p. tan′ning; pa.t. and pa.p. tanned.—n.pl. Tan′-balls the spent bark of the tanner's yard pressed into lumps which harden on drying and serve for fuel.—n. Tan′-bed (hort.) a bark-bed.—adj. Tan′-col′oured of the colour of tan.—ns. Tan′ling (Shak.) one tanned or scorched by the heat of the sun; Tan′-liq′uor -ooze an aqueous extract of tan-bark.—adj. Tan′nable.—ns. Tan′nage act of tanning: browning from exposure to the sun: the act of steeping cast slabs of artificial marble in a solution of potash alum to harden it and make it insoluble; Tan′ner one who tans; Tan′nery a place for tanning; Tan′ning the art of tanning or converting into leather; Tan′-pit -vat a vat in which hides are steeped in liquor with tan; Tan′-yard a yard or enclosure where leather is tanned.





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