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['pɑːtɪk(ə)l] or ['pɑrtɪkl]


(noun.) a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs.

(noun.) a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions.

科南錄入--From WordNet


(n.) A minute part or portion of matter; a morsel; a little bit; an atom; a jot; as, a particle of sand, of wood, of dust.

(n.) Any very small portion or part; the smallest portion; as, he has not a particle of patriotism or virtue.

(n.) A crumb or little piece of concecrated host.

(n.) The smaller hosts distributed in the communion of the laity.

(n.) A subordinate word that is never inflected (a preposition, conjunction, interjection); or a word that can not be used except in compositions; as, ward in backward, ly in lovely.



n. Bit, ATOM, MOLECULE, corpuscle, mote, jot, iota, tittle, whit, grain, scrap, mite, scintilla, ace.



SYN:Bit, grain, jot, mite, tittle, atom,[See ATOM]



n. a little part: a very small portion: (physics) the minutest part into which a body can be divided: an atom: (gram.) an indeclinable word as a preposition a conjunction an interjection: a word that can only be used in composition as wise in sidewise: (R.C. Church) a crumb of consecrated bread also the 'smaller breads' used in the communion of the laity.—adj. Partic′ular relating to a part of anything: pertaining to a single person or thing: individual: special: worthy of special attention: concerned with or marking things single or distinct: exact: nice in taste: precise.—n. a distinct or minute part: a single point: a single instance: (pl.) details.—n. Particularisā′tion.—v.t. Partic′ularise to mention the particulars of: to enumerate in detail: to give a special description of.—v.i. to mention or attend to single things or minute details.—ns. Partic′ularism attention to one's own interest or party: a particular or minute description: the doctrine that salvation is offered only to particular individuals the elect and not freely to the whole race on condition of faith; Partic′ularist one who holds the doctrine of particularism.—adj. Particularist′ic.—n. Particular′ity quality of being particular: minuteness of detail: a single act or case: a single or a minute circumstance: something peculiar or singular.—adv. Partic′ularly in an especial manner: in a high degree: (B.) in detail.—n. Partic′ularness.—adj. Partic′ulāte having the form of a small particle.—In particular specially distinctly.





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