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(noun.) (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist.

(noun.) the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field.

(noun.) a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite; 'the priest said Mass'.

(noun.) a musical setting for a Mass; 'they played a Mass composed by Beethoven'.

(noun.) an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people).

(noun.) a body of matter without definite shape; 'a huge ice mass'.

(verb.) join together into a mass or collect or form a mass; 'Crowds were massing outside the palace'.

伊万杰琳校對--From WordNet


(n.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host.

(n.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; -- namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus.

(v. i.) To celebrate Mass.

(n.) A quantity of matter cohering together so as to make one body, or an aggregation of particles or things which collectively make one body or quantity, usually of considerable size; as, a mass of ore, metal, sand, or water.

(n.) A medicinal substance made into a cohesive, homogeneous lump, of consistency suitable for making pills; as, blue mass.

(n.) A large quantity; a sum.

(n.) Bulk; magnitude; body; size.

(n.) The principal part; the main body.

(n.) The quantity of matter which a body contains, irrespective of its bulk or volume.

(v. t.) To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into masses; to assemble.



n. [1]. Lump, heap, collection.[2]. Size, magnitude, bulk, dimension, quantity of matter.[3]. Assemblage, congeries.[4]. Whole, aggregate, totality, body.

n. Communion service (in the Roman Catholic Church), celebration of the Lord's Supper.



SYN:Lump, body, bulk, concretion, magnitude, majority, heap

ANT:Fragment, bit, portion, morsel, section, minority



n. a lump of matter: a quantity: a collected body: the main body: magnitude: the principal part or main body: quantity of matter in any body weight being proportional to mass: (pl.) the lower classes of the people.—v.t. to form into a mass: to bring together in masses.—v.i. to assemble in masses.—adj. Mass′ive bulky: weighty: not separated into parts or elements: without crystalline form geologically homogeneous.—adv. Mass′ively.—ns. Mass′iveness Mass′iness; Mass′-meeting a public meeting of persons of all classes to discuss some matter of general interest.—adj. Mass′y massive made up of masses.

n. the celebration of the Lord's Supper or Eucharist in R.C. churches also the office for the same: a musical setting of certain parts of the R.C. liturgy: a church festival or feast-day as in Candlemas Christmas Martinmas &c.—ns. Mass′-bell or Sacring-bell a bell rung during the celebration of mass at the elevation of the host; Mass′-book the R.C. missal or service-book; Mass′-priest formerly a R.C. secular priest as distinct from those living under a rule—later a priest retained in chantries &c. to say masses for the dead: a R.C. priest generally.—Mass for the dead a funeral mass for the faithful in Christ to hasten their release from purgatory; Conventual mass a mass for the general community of a religious house: a mass at which special remembrance is made of pious founders and benefactors; Dry mass or service a rite in which there is neither consecration nor communion; High mass a mass celebrated with music ritual ceremonies and incense; Low mass the ordinary mass celebrated without music and incense; Midnight mass that mass which is said at midnight on Christmas-eve; Private mass any mass where only the priest communicates esp. in a private oratory; Solemn mass a mass resembling a high mass but without some of its special ceremonies; Votive mass a special mass over and above those ordinarily said for the day for some particular grace or purpose and provided by some individual.





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