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[glɑːns] or [ɡlæns]


(noun.) a quick look.

(verb.) hit at an angle.

(verb.) throw a glance at; take a brief look at; 'She only glanced at the paper'; 'I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting'.

編輯:史蒂夫--From WordNet


(n.) A sudden flash of light or splendor.

(n.) A quick cast of the eyes; a quick or a casual look; a swift survey; a glimpse.

(n.) An incidental or passing thought or allusion.

(n.) A name given to some sulphides, mostly dark-colored, which have a brilliant metallic luster, as the sulphide of copper, called copper glance.

(v. i.) To shoot or emit a flash of light; to shine; to flash.

(v. i.) To strike and fly off in an oblique direction; to dart aside. "Your arrow hath glanced".

(v. i.) To look with a sudden, rapid cast of the eye; to snatch a momentary or hasty view.

(v. i.) To make an incidental or passing reflection; to allude; to hint; -- often with at.

(v. i.) To move quickly, appearing and disappearing rapidly; to be visible only for an instant at a time; to move interruptedly; to twinkle.

(v. t.) To shoot or dart suddenly or obliquely; to cast for a moment; as, to glance the eye.

(v. t.) To hint at; to touch lightly or briefly.



n. [1]. Glitter, gleam.[2]. Glimpse, transitory view, rapid look.

v. n. [1]. Glitter, gleam, shine.[2]. Flit, dart, snatch a momentary look.[3]. Dart aside, fly off obliquely.



[See GAZE]



n. a sudden shoot of light: a darting of the eye: a momentary view: a term applied to minerals exhibiting a pseudo-metallic lustre.—v.i. to dart a ray of light or splendour: to snatch a momentary view: to fly off obliquely: to make a passing allusion.—v.t. to dart suddenly or obliquely: to hint.—n. Glance′-coal any hard coal like anthracite so called from its metallic lustre.—adv. Glanc′ingly.





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