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[tʃeɪf] or [tʃef]


(noun.) soreness and warmth caused by friction; 'he had a nasty chafe on his knee'.

(verb.) warm by rubbing, as with the hands.

(verb.) tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading; 'This leash chafes the dog's neck'.

(verb.) feel extreme irritation or anger; 'He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation'.

(verb.) become or make sore by or as if by rubbing.

克莱奥校對--From WordNet


(v. t.) To excite heat in by friction; to rub in order to stimulate and make warm.

(v. t.) To excite passion or anger in; to fret; to irritate.

(v. t.) To fret and wear by rubbing; as, to chafe a cable.

(v. i.) To rub; to come together so as to wear by rubbing; to wear by friction.

(v. i.) To be worn by rubbing; as, a cable chafes.

(v. i.) To have a feeling of vexation; to be vexed; to fret; to be irritated.

(n.) Heat excited by friction.

(n.) Injury or wear caused by friction.

(n.) Vexation; irritation of mind; rage.



v. a. [1]. Rub, hurt by rubbing, wear by rubbing.[2]. Irritate, vex, annoy, fret, tease, gall, chagrin, provoke, ruffle, offend, nettle, incense, enrage, exasperate, anger, make angry.

v. n. [1]. Be rubbed, be worn by rubbing.[2]. Rage, fret, fume.



SYN:Gall, rub, vex, irritate, chagrin, tease, harass, disappoint, grieve, annoy,worry, calcitrate, re_sent, resist, fret, fidget, writhe

ANT:Soothe, smooth, coax, calm, humor, console, submit, endure, succumb, crouch,truckle



v.t. to make hot by rubbing: to fret or wear by rubbing: to cause to fret or rage (with against at).—v.i. to fret or rage.—n. heat caused by rubbing: rage: passion.—ns. Chaf′er (obs.) a chafing-dish a saucepan; Chaf′ing-dish a dish or vessel in which anything is made hot: a kind of portable grate; Chaf′ing-gear mats spun-yarn battens &c. put upon the rigging and spars of a ship to prevent their being chafed.





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