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(noun.) a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces.

(noun.) an ardent follower and admirer.

(verb.) make (an emotion) fiercer; 'fan hatred'.

(verb.) strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher).

(verb.) agitate the air.

錄入:罗宾逊--From WordNet


(n.) An instrument used for producing artificial currents of air, by the wafting or revolving motion of a broad surface

(n.) An instrument for cooling the person, made of feathers, paper, silk, etc., and often mounted on sticks all turning about the same pivot, so as when opened to radiate from the center and assume the figure of a section of a circle.

(n.) Any revolving vane or vanes used for producing currents of air, in winnowing grain, blowing a fire, ventilation, etc., or for checking rapid motion by the resistance of the air; a fan blower; a fan wheel.

(n.) An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving which the grain is tossed and agitated, and the chaff is separated and blown away.

(n.) Something in the form of a fan when spread, as a peacock's tail, a window, etc.

(n.) A small vane or sail, used to keep the large sails of a smock windmill always in the direction of the wind.

(n.) That which produces effects analogous to those of a fan, as in exciting a flame, etc.; that which inflames, heightens, or strengthens; as, it served as a fan to the flame of his passion.

(n.) A quintain; -- from its form.

(n.) To move as with a fan.

(n.) To cool and refresh, by moving the air with a fan; to blow the air on the face of with a fan.

(n.) To ventilate; to blow on; to affect by air put in motion.

(n.) To winnow; to separate chaff from, and drive it away by a current of air; as, to fan wheat.

(n.) To excite or stir up to activity, as a fan axcites a flame; to stimulate; as, this conduct fanned the excitement of the populace.



n. an instrument for winnowing grain: a broad flat instrument used by ladies to cool themselves: a wing: a small sail to keep a windmill to the wind: the agitation of the air caused by a fan.—v.t. to cool with a fan: to winnow: to ventilate: to remove by waving a fan:—pr.p. fan′ning; pa.p. fanned.—ns. Fan′-blast in ironworks the blast produced by a fan as distinguished from that produced by a blowing-engine; Fan′-crick′et the mole-cricket fen-cricket or churr-worm.—adj. Fan′-nerved in entomology having a fan-like arrangement of the nervures or veins of the wings.—ns. Fan′light a window resembling in form an open fan; Fan′ner a machine with revolving fans used for winnowing grain &c.; Fan′-palm a species of palm 60 or 70 feet high with fan-shaped leaves used for umbrellas tents &c.; Fan′-tail an artificial fan-tailed variety of the domestic pigeon; Fan′-trāc′ery (archit.) tracery rising from a capital or a corbel and diverging like the folds of a fan over the surface of a vault; Fan′-wheel a wheel with fans on its rim for producing a current of air.



To see a fan in your dreams, denotes pleasant news and surprises are awaiting you in the near future. For a young woman to dream of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances; if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women.





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