
['kʌv(ə)nənt] or ['kʌvənənt]


(noun.) (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return.

(noun.) a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action.

(verb.) enter into a covenant or formal agreement; 'They covenanted with Judas for 30 pieces of silver'; 'The nations covenanted to fight terrorism around the world'.

(verb.) enter into a covenant.

整理:罗莎--From WordNet


(n.) A mutual agreement of two or more persons or parties, or one of the stipulations in such an agreement.

(n.) An agreement made by the Scottish Parliament in 1638, and by the English Parliament in 1643, to preserve the reformed religion in Scotland, and to extirpate popery and prelacy; -- usually called the "Solemn League and Covenant."

(n.) The promises of God as revealed in the Scriptures, conditioned on certain terms on the part of man, as obedience, repentance, faith, etc.

(n.) A solemn compact between members of a church to maintain its faith, discipline, etc.

(n.) An undertaking, on sufficient consideration, in writing and under seal, to do or to refrain from some act or thing; a contract; a stipulation; also, the document or writing containing the terms of agreement.

(n.) A form of action for the violation of a promise or contract under seal.

(v. i.) To agree (with); to enter into a formal agreement; to bind one's self by contract; to make a stipulation.

(v. t.) To grant or promise by covenant.



n. Agreement, bargain, contract, compact, stipulation, arrangement, treaty, convention, concordat, pact.

v. n. Bargain, stipulate, agree; make a stipulation.



SYN:Agreement, bond, stipulation, compact, contract, league, bargain

ANT:Promise, intimation, assurance, parole, understanding



n. a mutual agreement: the writing containing the agreement: an engagement entered into between God and a person or a people—the Old Covenant the Jewish dispensation; the New Covenant the new relation to God opened up by Jesus Christ.—v.i. to enter into an agreement: to contract or bargain.—n. Cov′enant-break′er one who violates a covenant.—adj. Cov′enanted holding a position under a covenant or contract.—ns. Covenantee′ the person to whom a covenant is made; Cov′enanter (usually in Scot. Covenant′er) one who signed or adhered to the Scottish National Covenant of 1638—the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 was in effect an international treaty between Scotland and England for securing civil and religious liberty; Cov′enantor that party to a covenant who subjects himself to the penalty of its breach.—Covenant of grace redemption that by which life is freely offered to sinners on condition of faith in Christ; Covenant of works that made with Adam as federal representative of the human race on condition of obedience.





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