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(noun.) an indication of damage.

(noun.) (golf) a handicap of zero strokes; 'a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course'.

(noun.) a competitor who has withdrawn from competition.

(verb.) cut the surface of; wear away the surface of.

(verb.) carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; 'engrave a pen'; 'engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's'; 'the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree' .

手打:柯尔斯顿--From WordNet


(v. t.) To rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or ragged; to scrape, roughen, or wound slightly by drawing something pointed or rough across, as the claws, the nails, a pin, or the like.

(v. t.) To write or draw hastily or awkwardly.

(v. t.) To cancel by drawing one or more lines through, as the name of a candidate upon a ballot, or of a horse in a list; hence, to erase; to efface; -- often with out.

(v. t.) To dig or excavate with the claws; as, some animals scratch holes, in which they burrow.

(v. i.) To use the claws or nails in tearing or in digging; to make scratches.

(v. i.) To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game.

(n.) A break in the surface of a thing made by scratching, or by rubbing with anything pointed or rough; a slight wound, mark, furrow, or incision.

(n.) A line across the prize ring; up to which boxers are brought when they join fight; hence, test, trial, or proof of courage; as, to bring to the scratch; to come up to the scratch.

(n.) Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy.

(n.) A kind of wig covering only a portion of the head.

(n.) A shot which scores by chance and not as intended by the player; a fluke.

(a.) Made, done, or happening by chance; arranged with little or no preparation; determined by circumstances; haphazard; as, a scratch team; a scratch crew for a boat race; a scratch shot in billiards.



v. a. [1]. Mark with a scratch, or with scratches.[2]. Wound slightly (as with the nails).[3]. Scribble, write carelessly.[4]. Dig (with the claws).

n. [1]. Incision (slight and ragged).[2]. Slight wound (as with the nails).[3]. Scratch-wig, small wig, periwig, peruke.[4]. Scribble, scrawl.






v.t. to mark the surface with something pointed as the nails: to tear or to dig with the claws: to write hurriedly: to erase.—v.i. to use the claws in tearing or digging: to delete a name on a voting-paper.—n. a mark or tear made by scratching: a slight wound: the line in a prize-ring up to which boxers are led—hence test trial as in 'to come up to the scratch:' (pl.) a disease in horses: the time of starting of a player: in billiards a chance stroke which is successful: a kind of wig a scratch-wig: a scrawl.—adj. taken at random as a 'scratch crew:' without handicap or allowance of time or distance.—ns. Scratch′-back a kind of toy which when drawn over a person's back makes a sound as if his coat was torn; Scratch′-brush a name given to various forms of brushes; Scratch′-coat the first coat of plaster; Scratch′er a bird which scratches for food.—adv. Scratch′ingly.—n.pl. Scratch′ings refuse matter strained out of fat when melted.—ns. Scratch′-weed the goose-grass; Scratch′-wig a wig that covers only part of the head; Scratch′-work a kind of wall decoration.—adj. Scratch′y ragged: scratching: of little depth.—Scratch out to erase.



To scratch others in your dream, denotes that you will be ill-tempered and fault-finding in your dealings with others. If you are scratched, you will be injured by the enmity of some deceitful person.

To dream that you scratch your head, denotes strangers will annoy you by their flattering attentions, which you will feel are only shown to win favors from you.





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