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[dɪg] or [dɪɡ]


(noun.) the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow; 'she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs'.

(noun.) a small gouge (as in the cover of a book); 'the book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover'.

(noun.) the site of an archeological exploration; 'they set up camp next to the dig'.

(verb.) turn up, loosen, or remove earth; 'Dig we must'; 'turn over the soil for aeration'.

(verb.) create by digging; 'dig a hole'; 'dig out a channel'.

(verb.) thrust down or into; 'dig the oars into the water'; 'dig your foot into the floor'.

(verb.) remove, harvest, or recover by digging; 'dig salt'; 'dig coal'.

吉塞尔編輯--From WordNet


(v. t.) To turn up, or delve in, (earth) with a spade or a hoe; to open, loosen, or break up (the soil) with a spade, or other sharp instrument; to pierce, open, or loosen, as if with a spade.

(v. t.) To get by digging; as, to dig potatoes, or gold.

(v. t.) To hollow out, as a well; to form, as a ditch, by removing earth; to excavate; as, to dig a ditch or a well.

(v. t.) To thrust; to poke.

(v. i.) To work with a spade or other like implement; to do servile work; to delve.

(v. i.) To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore.

(v. i.) To work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously.

(n.) A thrust; a punch; a poke; as, a dig in the side or the ribs. See Dig, v. t., 4.

(v. t.) A plodding and laborious student.



v. a. [1]. Excavate, delve, scoop, SCRATCH, hollow out.[2]. Break up (with a spade, hoe, &c.).

v. n. Delve, work with a spade, hoe, &c.

n. [1]. [Low.] Punch, poke, thrust.[2]. [Colloquial.] Innuendo, insinuation, oblique hint, sly remark.[3]. [At colleges, U. S.] Plodding student.






v.t. to excavate: to turn up the earth: to cultivate with a spade: to poke or thrust as one's elbow into another's side or spurs into a horse.—v.i. to till the ground; to occupy one's self in digging; (U.S. slang) to study hard:—pr.p. dig′ging; pa.t. and pa.p. dug (B.) digged.—n. a thrust a poke: (U.S. slang) a hard student.—adj. Dig′gable that may be dug.—n. Dig′ger a person or animal that digs: a machine for digging as a steam-digger.—n.pl. Dig′gings places where mining is carried on esp. for gold: (slang orig. American) lodgings rooms.—Dig in to cover over by digging: to work hard; Dig out (U.S. slang) to decamp.—Digger Indians degraded Indian tribes of California and Nevada who live by digging roots.





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