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(noun.) a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead.

(noun.) a sudden very loud noise.

(noun.) the swift release of a store of affective force; 'they got a great bang out of it'; 'what a boot!'; 'he got a quick rush from injecting heroin'; 'he does it for kicks'.

(verb.) move noisily; 'The window banged shut'; 'The old man banged around the house'.

(verb.) to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound; 'One of them banged the sash of the window nearest my bed'.

(adv.) directly; 'he ran bang into the pole'; 'ran slap into her'.

手打:鲁迪--From WordNet


(v. t.) To beat, as with a club or cudgel; to treat with violence; to handle roughly.

(v. t.) To beat or thump, or to cause ( something) to hit or strike against another object, in such a way as to make a loud noise; as, to bang a drum or a piano; to bang a door (against the doorpost or casing) in shutting it.

(v. i.) To make a loud noise, as if with a blow or succession of blows; as, the window blind banged and waked me; he was banging on the piano.

(n.) A blow as with a club; a heavy blow.

(n.) The sound produced by a sudden concussion.

(v. t.) To cut squarely across, as the tail of a hors, or the forelock of human beings; to cut (the hair).

(n.) The short, front hair combed down over the forehead, esp. when cut squarely across; a false front of hair similarly worn.

(n.) Alt. of Bangue



v. a. Beat, thump, pound, strike, knock, maul, pommel, thwack, WALLOP, deal roughly with.



n. a heavy blow: a sudden loud noise: an explosion.—v.t. to beat: to strike violently: to slam as a door: to make a loud noise: to beat or surpass to bounce upon.—interj. Bang used with verbs like 'go ' &c. and in such a phrase as 'bang off.'—p.adj. Bang′ing dealing blows: overwhelming.—adj. Bang′-up (slang) in the height of style or fashion.—n. Bang′ster (prov.) a braggart a victor.

n. a woman's hair cut square across the brow.—p.adj. Banged wearing the hair in such a way.—n. Bang′-tail a horse's tail with the end squared.

Same as Bhang.





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