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[stɔːk] or [stɔk]


(noun.) a stiff or threatening gait.

(noun.) the act of following prey stealthily.

(noun.) a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush.

(noun.) a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ.

(verb.) walk stiffly.

(verb.) go through (an area) in search of prey; 'stalk the woods for deer'.

德洛丽丝整理--From WordNet


(n.) The stem or main axis of a plant; as, a stalk of wheat, rye, or oats; the stalks of maize or hemp.

(n.) The petiole, pedicel, or peduncle, of a plant.

(n.) That which resembes the stalk of a plant, as the stem of a quill.

(n.) An ornament in the Corinthian capital resembling the stalk of a plant, from which the volutes and helices spring.

(n.) One of the two upright pieces of a ladder.

(n.) A stem or peduncle, as of certain barnacles and crinoids.

(n.) The narrow basal portion of the abdomen of a hymenopterous insect.

(n.) The peduncle of the eyes of decapod crustaceans.

(n.) An iron bar with projections inserted in a core to strengthen it; a core arbor.

(v. i.) To walk slowly and cautiously; to walk in a stealthy, noiseless manner; -- sometimes used with a reflexive pronoun.

(v. i.) To walk behind something as a screen, for the purpose of approaching game; to proceed under clover.

(v. i.) To walk with high and proud steps; usually implying the affectation of dignity, and indicating dislike. The word is used, however, especially by the poets, to express dignity of step.

(v. t.) To approach under cover of a screen, or by stealth, for the purpose of killing, as game.

(n.) A high, proud, stately step or walk.



v. n. [1]. Walk (stealthily).[2]. Stride, strut.

n. Stem, petiole, pedicel, CULM, peduncle.



SYN:Stride, promenade, parade, pace, march

ANT:Sneak, crawl, grovel, creep



n. the stem of a plant: the stem on which a flower or fruit grows: the stem of a quill: the handle of anything the stem: a tall chimney.—p.adj. Stalked having a stalk.—adjs. Stalk′-eyed podophthalmous as a crustacean; Stalk′less having no stalk; Stalk′y hard as a stalk: resembling a stalk.

v.i. to walk as on stilts: to walk with long slow steps: to walk behind a stalking-horse: to pursue game by approaching behind covers.—v.t. to approach secretly in order to kill as deer.—n. a stately step: the pursuit of game by stealthy approach.—ns. Stalk′er one who stalks as a deer-stalker: a kind of fishing-net: (pl.) the Gradatores; Stalk′ing the act of approaching game warily or behind a cover; Stalk′ing-horse a horse behind which a sportsman hides while stalking game: a mask or pretence.





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