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['kɒnstɪtjuːt] or ['kɑnstətut]


(verb.) form or compose; 'This money is my only income'; 'The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance'; 'These constitute my entire belonging'; 'The children made up the chorus'; 'This sum represents my entire income for a year'; 'These few men comprise his entire army'.

伊丽莎白編輯--From WordNet


(v. t.) To cause to stand; to establish; to enact.

(v. t.) To make up; to compose; to form.

(v. t.) To appoint, depute, or elect to an office; to make and empower.

(n.) An established law.



v. a. [1]. Form, compose, make, make up, enter into the composition of.[2]. Appoint, depute, empower.



SYN:Form, make, compose, appoint, depute, organize, institute

ANT:Dissolve, destroy, discompose, decompose, disorganize, abrogate, annul, unmake



v.t. to set up: to establish: to form or compose: to appoint: to determine.—n. Constit′uency the whole body of voters for a member of parliament.—adj. Constit′uent constituting or forming: essential: elemental: component.—n. an essential or elemental part: one of those who elect a representative esp. in parliament.—n. Constitū′tion the act of constituting: the natural condition of body or mind: disposition: a system of laws and customs established by the sovereign power of a state for its own guidance: the established form of government: a particular law or usage.—adj. Constitū′tional inherent in the natural frame: natural: agreeable to the constitution or frame of government: essential: legal: of a sovereign who rules subject to fixed laws.—n. a walk for the sake of one's health.—v.t. Constitū′tionalise to make constitutional.—ns. Constitū′tionalism adherence to the principles of the constitution; Constitū′tionalist Constitū′tionist one who favours the constitution; Constitutional′ity the state or quality of being constitutional.—adv. Constitū′tionally.—adj. Con′stitutive that constitutes or establishes: having power to enact &c.: essential.





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