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['ɒrək(ə)l] or ['ɔrəkl]


(noun.) a shrine where an oracular god is consulted.

(noun.) a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible.

贾尔斯錄入--From WordNet


(n.) The answer of a god, or some person reputed to be a god, to an inquiry respecting some affair or future event, as the success of an enterprise or battle.

(n.) Hence: The deity who was supposed to give the answer; also, the place where it was given.

(n.) The communications, revelations, or messages delivered by God to the prophets; also, the entire sacred Scriptures -- usually in the plural.

(n.) The sanctuary, or Most Holy place in the temple; also, the temple itself.

(n.) One who communicates a divine command; an angel; a prophet.

(n.) Any person reputed uncommonly wise; one whose decisions are regarded as of great authority; as, a literary oracle.

(n.) A wise sentence or decision of great authority.

(v. i.) To utter oracles.



n. [1]. Divine communication.[2]. (Jewish History.) Sanctuary, Holy of Holies.[3]. (Greek History.) Deity or god (from whom divine communications come).[4]. Sage, prophet, Solomon, Nestor, wise man, master mind, shining light.



n. the answer spoken or uttered by the gods: the place where responses were given and the deities supposed to give them: a person famed for wisdom: a wise decision: (B.) the sanctuary: (pl.) the revelations made to the prophets: the word of God.—adj. Orac′ular delivering oracles: resembling oracles: grave: venerable: not to be disputed: ambiguous: obscure—also Orac′ulous.—ns. Oracular′ity Orac′ularness.—adv. Orac′ularly.





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