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['eɪnʃ(ə)nt] or [ˈeɪnʃənt]


(noun.) a person who lived in ancient times.

(noun.) a very old person.

(adj.) very old; 'an ancient mariner' .

(adj.) belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire; 'ancient history'; 'ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians'; 'ancient Greece' .

比安卡手打--From WordNet


(a.) Old; that happened or existed in former times, usually at a great distance of time; belonging to times long past; specifically applied to the times before the fall of the Roman empire; -- opposed to modern; as, ancient authors, literature, history; ancient days.

(a.) Old; that has been of long duration; of long standing; of great age; as, an ancient forest; an ancient castle.

(a.) Known for a long time, or from early times; -- opposed to recent or new; as, the ancient continent.

(a.) Dignified, like an aged man; magisterial; venerable.

(a.) Experienced; versed.

(a.) Former; sometime.

(n.) Those who lived in former ages, as opposed to the moderns.

(n.) An aged man; a patriarch. Hence: A governor; a ruler; a person of influence.

(n.) A senior; an elder; a predecessor.

(n.) One of the senior members of the Inns of Court or of Chancery.

(n.) An ensign or flag.

(n.) The bearer of a flag; an ensign.



a. [1]. Old, primitive, pristine, OLDEN, of old time, not modern.[2]. Of great age, of long duration.[3]. Antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, by-gone, old-fashioned, out of fashion, out of date, gone by.



SYN:Old, antiquated, oldfashioned, antique, obsolete, old-time, aged, primeval,primordial, immemorial, time-honored

ANT:New, young, modern, juvenile, upstart, fresh, parvenu



adj. old: belonging to former times specifically of times prior to the downfall of the western Roman empire (476 A.D.): of great age or duration: of past times in a general sense: venerable: antique old-fashioned.—n. an aged man a patriarch: a superior in age or dignity.—adv. An′ciently.—ns. An′cientness; An′cientry ancientness seniority: ancestry: dignity of birth: (Shak.) old people.—n.pl. An′cients those who lived in remote times esp. the Greeks and Romans of classical times: (B.) elders.—The Ancient of days a title in the Holy Scriptures for the Almighty applied by Byron to Athens.

n. (obs.) a flag or its bearer: an ensign.





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