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[lɑːk] or [lɑrk]


(noun.) any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing.

整理:洛厄尔--From WordNet


(v. i.) A frolic; a jolly time.

(v. i.) To sport; to frolic.

(n.) Any one numerous species of singing birds of the genus Alauda and allied genera (family Alaudidae). They mostly belong to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. In America they are represented by the shore larks, or horned by the shore larks, or horned larks, of the genus Otocoris. The true larks have holaspidean tarsi, very long hind claws, and usually, dull, sandy brown colors.

(v. i.) To catch larks; as, to go larking.



n. a game frolic.—v.i. to frolic make sport.—adj. Lar′ky (coll.) frolicsome sportive.

n. a well-known singing-bird.—v.i. to catch larks.—ns. Lark's′-heel the Indian cress; Lark′spur a plant with showy flowers so called from the spur-shaped formation of calyx and petals.



To see larks flying, denotes high aims and purposes through the attainment of which you will throw off selfishness and cultivate kindly graces of mind. To hear them singing as they fly, you will be very happy in a new change of abode, and business will flourish. To see them fall to the earth and singing as they fall, despairing gloom will overtake you in pleasure's bewildering delights. A wounded or dead lark, portends sadness or death. To kill a lark, portends injury to innocence through wantonness. If they fly around and light on you, Fortune will turn her promising countenance towards you. To catch them in traps, you will win honor and love easily. To see them eating, denotes a plentiful harvest.



A short, sweet spree enjoyed by night hawks. Also, an early rising singing-bird. (Dist. bet. 'out on a lark,' and 'up with the lark,' an impossible combination).





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