['eθɪk] or ['ɛθɪk]
(noun.) the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group; 'the Puritan ethic'; 'a person with old-fashioned values'.
(noun.) a system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct.
手打:特伦斯--From WordNet
(a.) Alt. of Ethical
adj. relating to morals: treating of morality or duty.—n. (more commonly in pl. Eth′ics) the science of morals that branch of philosophy which is concerned with human character and conduct: a treatise on morals.—adj. Eth′ical relating to the science of ethics.—adv. Eth′ically.—n. Eth′icist one versed in ethics.—Ethical dative the dative of a first or second personal pronoun implying an indirect interest in the fact stated used colloquially to give a livelier tone to the sentence.
- But he was weary of the old ethic, of the human being, and of humanity. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯. 戀愛中的女人.
- As for the certain grief he felt at the same time, in his soul, that was only the remains of an old ethic, that bade a human being adhere to humanity. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯. 戀愛中的女人.
- He would overlook the old grief, he would put away the old ethic, he would be free in his new state. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯. 戀愛中的女人.
- In the main, however, this work is an attempt to find a basis for ethics in natural p henomena. 李貝. 西洋科學史.
- The utilitarian principle is valuable as a corrective of error, and shows to us a side of ethics which is apt to be neglected. 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- Now, Lina, I've had my lesson both in languages and ethics, with a touch on politics; it is your turn. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪麗.
- For these reasons 'the greatest happiness' principle is not the true foundation of ethics. 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- Machiavelli's ethics are commonplace enough. 沃爾特·李普曼. 政治序論.
- Ethics), 'Whether the virtues are one or many? 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- The ancient Greek philosophy was divided into three great branches; physics, or natural philosophy; ethics, or moral philosophy; and logic. 亞當·斯密. 國富論.
- As far as social ethics were concerned Eustacia approached the savage state, though in emotion she was all the while an epicure. 湯瑪斯·哈代. 還鄉.
- I shall most certainly report this outrageous breach of ethics to the directors of the adjacent zoological garden. 愛德格·賴斯·巴勒斯. 人猿泰山.
- He saw the perfect good-humoured callousness, even strange, glistening malice, in Gerald, glistening through the plausible ethics of productivity. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯. 戀愛中的女人.
- This is an old difficulty in ethics. 沃爾特·李普曼. 政治序論.
- VI CONCLUSION OF THIS BOOK Thus upon the whole I am hopeful, that nothing is wanting to an accurate proof of this system of ethics. 大衛·休謨. 人性論.
- He considered ethics the most valuable part of philosophy. 李貝. 西洋科學史.
- It was through him that logic, ethics, psychology, rhet oric, ?sthetics, political science, zo?logy (especially ichthyology), first received systematic treatment. 李貝. 西洋科學史.
- What they really cared about was ethics--the practical question how a man should order his life. 赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯. 世界史綱.