


(noun.) a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape; 'they fell into a conversational rut'.

(noun.) a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels).

(verb.) be in a state of sexual excitement; of male mammals.

整理:拉尔夫--From WordNet


(n.) Sexual desire or oestrus of deer, cattle, and various other mammals; heat; also, the period during which the oestrus exists.

(n.) Roaring, as of waves breaking upon the shore; rote. See Rote.

(v. i.) To have a strong sexual impulse at the reproductive period; -- said of deer, cattle, etc.

(v. t.) To cover in copulation.

(n.) A track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage of anything; a groove in which anything runs. Also used figuratively.

(v. t.) To make a rut or ruts in; -- chiefly used as a past participle or a participial adj.; as, a rutted road.



n. [1]. Track of a wheel.[2]. Rote (of the sea).



n. the noise made by deer during sexual excitement: the periodic time of heat of animals.—v.i. to be in heat.—v.t. (rare) to copulate with.—adj. Rut′tish inclined to rut: lustful.—n. Rut′tishness libidinousness.

n. a track left by a wheel: an established course.—v.t. to form ruts in:—pr.p. rut′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. rut′ted.—adj. Rut′ty full of ruts.



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