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[plʌn(d)ʒ] or [plʌndʒ]


(noun.) a steep and rapid fall.

(verb.) cause to be immersed; 'The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text'.

(verb.) dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity; 'She plunged at it eagerly'.

(verb.) fall abruptly; 'It plunged to the bottom of the well'.

(verb.) begin with vigor; 'He launched into a long diatribe'; 'She plunged into a dangerous adventure'.

編輯:桑德拉--From WordNet


(v. t.) To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse; to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly; to thrust; as, to plunge the body into water; to plunge a dagger into the breast. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge a nation into war.

(v. t.) To baptize by immersion.

(v. t.) To entangle; to embarrass; to overcome.

(v. i.) To thrust or cast one's self into water or other fluid; to submerge one's self; to dive, or to rush in; as, he plunged into the river. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge into debt.

(v. i.) To pitch or throw one's self headlong or violently forward, as a horse does.

(v. i.) To bet heavily and with seeming recklessness on a race, or other contest; in an extended sense, to risk large sums in hazardous speculations.

(n.) The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge.

(n.) Hence, a desperate hazard or act; a state of being submerged or overwhelmed with difficulties.

(n.) The act of pitching or throwing one's self headlong or violently forward, like an unruly horse.

(n.) Heavy and reckless betting in horse racing; hazardous speculation.



v. a. Immerse, submerge, dip, souse, douse, put under water (or other liquid).

v. n. Dive, pitch, thrust one's self, cast one's self.

n. Dive, dip, ducking.



SYN:Dip, dive, douse, duck, submerge, immerse, precipitate, sink, overwhelm,thrust_under, pitch_headlong

ANT:Emerge, issue, soar, raise, extricate, rescue



v.t. to cast suddenly into water or other fluid: to force suddenly (into): to immerse.—v.i. to sink suddenly into any fluid: to dive: to pitch suddenly forward and throw up the hind-legs as a horse: to rush into any danger: (slang) to gamble recklessly.—n. act of plunging: act of rushing headlong as a horse.—n. Plung′er one who plunges: a diver: a long solid cylinder used as a forcer in pumps: (mil.) a cavalry-man: one who bets heavily.—adj. Plung′ing rushing headlong: aimed from higher ground as fire upon an enemy.—n. the putting or sinking under water or other fluid: the act of a horse trying to throw its rider.—Plunge bath a bath large enough to allow the whole body under water.





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