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(noun.) leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip.

(verb.) bind with a rope, chain, or cord; 'lash the horse'.

(verb.) lash or flick about sharply; 'The lion lashed its tail'.

布兰奇手打--From WordNet


(n.) The thong or braided cord of a whip, with which the blow is given.

(n.) A leash in which an animal is caught or held; hence, a snare.

(n.) A stroke with a whip, or anything pliant and tough; as, the culprit received thirty-nine lashes.

(n.) A stroke of satire or sarcasm; an expression or retort that cuts or gives pain; a cut.

(n.) A hair growing from the edge of the eyelid; an eyelash.

(n.) In carpet weaving, a group of strings for lifting simultaneously certain yarns, to form the figure.

(v. t.) To strike with a lash ; to whip or scourge with a lash, or with something like one.

(v. t.) To strike forcibly and quickly, as with a lash; to beat, or beat upon, with a motion like that of a lash; as, a whale lashes the sea with his tail.

(v. t.) To throw out with a jerk or quickly.

(v. t.) To scold; to berate; to satirize; to censure with severity; as, to lash vice.

(v. i.) To ply the whip; to strike; to utter censure or sarcastic language.

(n.) To bind with a rope, cord, thong, or chain, so as to fasten; as, to lash something to a spar; to lash a pack on a horse's back.



n. [1]. Thong (of a whip), scourge, whip.[2]. Stroke, stripe.

v. a. [1]. Scourge, whip.[2]. Beat, beat against.[3]. Bind, tie, tie together.[4]. Censure, satirize, lampoon, abuse.



adj. (obs.) slow slack: soft: insipid.—n. Lash′er the slack water collected above a weir in a river.

n. a thong or cord: the flexible part of a whip: a stroke with a whip or anything pliant: a stroke of satire a sharp retort: a beating or dashing: an eyelash.—v.t. to strike with a lash: to dash against: to fasten or secure with a rope or cord: to censure severely: to scourge with sarcasm or satire.—v.i. to use the whip.—n. Lash′er one who lashes or whips: a rope for binding one thing to another; Lash′ing act of whipping: a rope for making things fast: a great plenty of anything—esp. in pl.Lash out to kick out as a horse: to break out recklessly.





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