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[beɪk] or [bek]


(verb.) cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven; 'bake the potatoes'.

(verb.) prepare with dry heat in an oven; 'bake a cake'.

(verb.) be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun; 'The town was broiling in the sun'; 'the tourists were baking in the heat'.

手打:帕特丽夏--From WordNet


(v. t.) To prepare, as food, by cooking in a dry heat, either in an oven or under coals, or on heated stone or metal; as, to bake bread, meat, apples.

(v. t.) To dry or harden (anything) by subjecting to heat, as, to bake bricks; the sun bakes the ground.

(v. t.) To harden by cold.

(v. i.) To do the work of baking something; as, she brews, washes, and bakes.

(v. i.) To be baked; to become dry and hard in heat; as, the bread bakes; the ground bakes in the hot sun.

(n.) The process, or result, of baking.



v. a. [1]. Harden (by heat).[2]. Cook (by direct heat).



v.t. to dry harden or cook by the heat of the sun or of fire: to prepare bread or other food in an oven: to harden as by frost.—v.i. to work as a baker: to become firm through heat.—pa.p. baked (bākt); pr.p. bāk′ing.—ns. Bake′house a house or place used for baking in; Bake′meat (B.) pastry pies.—pa.p. Bak′en = baked.—ns. Bak′er one who bakes bread &c.—(obs.) Bax′ter; Bak′ery a bakehouse; Bake′stone a flat stone or plate of iron on which cakes are baked in the oven; Bak′ing the process by which bread is baked: the quantity baked at one time.





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