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[dʒɒg] or [dʒɑɡ]


(noun.) a slow pace of running.

(noun.) a sharp change in direction; 'there was a jog in the road'.

(verb.) stimulate to remember; 'jog my memory'.

(verb.) give a slight push to.

(verb.) run for exercise; 'jog along the canal'.

錄入:劳伦斯--From WordNet


(v. t.) To push or shake with the elbow or hand; to jostle; esp., to push or touch, in order to give notice, to excite one's attention, or to warn.

(v. t.) To suggest to; to notify; to remind; to call the attention of; as, to jog the memory.

(v. t.) To cause to jog; to drive at a jog, as a horse. See Jog, v. i.

(v. i.) To move by jogs or small shocks, like those of a slow trot; to move slowly, leisurely, or monotonously; -- usually with on, sometimes with over.

(n.) A slight shake; a shake or push intended to give notice or awaken attention; a push; a jolt.

(n.) A rub; a slight stop; an obstruction; hence, an irregularity in motion of from; a hitch; a break in the direction of a line or the surface of a plane.



v. a. Push (gently), notify by a push.

n. [1]. Push, slight shake.[2]. Notch, denticulation, jag.



v.t. to shake: to push with the elbow or hand to stimulate stir up as the memory.—v.i. to move by jogs: to travel slowly:—pr.p. jog′ging; pa.p. jogged.—n. a slight shake: a push.—ns. Jog′ger (Dryden) one who moves slowly and heavily; Jog′trot a slow jogging trot.—Be jogging to move on to depart.





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