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[ɪndɪ'rekt;ɪndaɪ-] or [,ɪndə'rɛkt]


(adj.) not direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination; 'sometimes taking an indirect path saves time'; 'you must take an indirect course in sailing' .

(adj.) extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action; 'making indirect but legitimate inquiries'; 'an indirect insult'; 'doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind'; 'though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest'; 'known as a shady indirect fellow' .

(adj.) having intervening factors or persons or influences; 'reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light'; 'indirect evidence'; 'an indirect cause' .

(adj.) not as a direct effect or consequence; 'indirect benefits'; 'an indirect advantage' .

克拉拉錄入--From WordNet


(a.) Not direct; not straight or rectilinear; deviating from a direct line or course; circuitous; as, an indirect road.

(a.) Not tending to an aim, purpose, or result by the plainest course, or by obvious means, but obliquely or consequentially; by remote means; as, an indirect accusation, attack, answer, or proposal.

(a.) Not straightforward or upright; unfair; dishonest; tending to mislead or deceive.

(a.) Not resulting directly from an act or cause, but more or less remotely connected with or growing out of it; as, indirect results, damages, or claims.

(a.) Not reaching the end aimed at by the most plain and direct method; as, an indirect proof, demonstration, etc.



a. [1]. Circuitous, tortuous, not straight, not direct, not rectilinear.[2]. Roundabout, oblique, collateral, not directly to the point.[3]. Unfair, dishonest, dishonorable.






adj. not direct or straight: not lineal or in direct succession: not related in the natural way oblique: not straightforward or honest.—adv. Indirect′ly.—ns. Indirect′ness Indirec′tion (Shak.) indirect course or means dishonest practice.—Indirect evidence or testimony circumstantial or inferential evidence; Indirect object (gram.) a substantive word dependent on a verb less immediately than an accusative governed by it; Indirect syllogism (logic) a syllogism which can be made more cogent and useful by the process called reduction.





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