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[pluːm] or [plum]


(noun.) a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament.

(noun.) anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness; 'a plume of smoke'; 'grass with large plumes'.

(verb.) form a plume; 'The chimneys were pluming the sky'; 'The engine was pluming black smoke'.

(verb.) deck with a plume; 'a plumed helmet'.

巴兹尔錄入--From WordNet


(v.) A feather; esp., a soft, downy feather, or a long, conspicuous, or handsome feather.

(v.) An ornamental tuft of feathers.

(v.) A feather, or group of feathers, worn as an ornament; a waving ornament of hair, or other material resembling feathers.

(v.) A token of honor or prowess; that on which one prides himself; a prize or reward.

(v.) A large and flexible panicle of inflorescence resembling a feather, such as is seen in certain large ornamental grasses.

(v. t.) To pick and adjust the plumes or feathers of; to dress or prink.

(v. t.) To strip of feathers; to pluck; to strip; to pillage; also, to peel.

(v. t.) To adorn with feathers or plumes.

(v. t.) To pride; to vaunt; to boast; -- used reflexively; as, he plumes himself on his skill.



n. [1]. Feather.[2]. Crest, tuft.



n. a feather: a tuft of feathers: a feather worn as an ornament: a crest: a token of honour: a prize in a contest.—v.t. to dress the feathers of as a bird: to adorn with plumes: to strip of feathers: to boast (used reflexively).—ns. Plumassier (plōō-ma-sēr′) one who prepares or deals in plumes; Plume′-bird a term sometimes given to the Epimachid or long-tailed birds-of-Paradise.—adjs. Plumed adorned with feathers; Plume′less.—n. Plume′let a down-feather a plumule: anything resembling a small plume.—adj. Plume′-plucked stripped of plumes: (Shak.) humbled.—n. Plum′ery a display of plumes.—adjs. Plumig′erous plumaged; Plu′miped having feathered feet.—n. Plu′mist a feather-dresser.—adjs. Plu′mose Plu′mous feathery: plume-like; Plu′my covered or adorned with plumes.





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