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(verb.) combine or increase by multiplication; 'He managed to multiply his profits'.

(verb.) combine by multiplication; 'multiply 10 by 15'.

(adv.) in several ways; in a multiple manner; 'they were multiply checked for errors'.

編輯:凯利--From WordNet


(v. t.) To increase in number; to make more numerous; to add quantity to.

(v. t.) To add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times; to find the product of by multiplication; thus 7 multiplied by 8 produces the number 56; to multiply two numbers. See the Note under Multiplication.

(v. t.) To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy.

(v. i.) To become greater in number; to become numerous.

(v. i.) To increase in extent and influence; to spread.

(v. i.) To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy.



v. a. Increase (in number), make more, make many.

v. n. Increase, grow in number.



v.t. to fold or increase many times: to make more numerous: to repeat any given number or quantity as often as there are units in another number.—v.i. to increase: to perform the arithmetical process of multiplication:—pr.p. mul′tiplying; pa.t. and pa.p. mul′tiplied.—adjs. Mul′tiplex having many folds: manifold: (bot.) with petals lying in folds over each other; Multiplī′able Mul′tiplicable that may be multiplied.—n. Mul′tiplicand a number or quantity to be multiplied by another.—adj. Mul′tiplicāte consisting of more than one: (bot.) multifold.—n. Multiplicā′tion the act of multiplying or increasing in number: the rule or operation by which any given number or quantity is multiplied.—adj. Mul′tiplicātive tending to multiply: having the power to multiply.—ns. Multiplic′ity the state of being multiplied or various: a great number: Mul′tiplier Mul′tiplicātor one who or that which multiplies or increases the number or quantity by which another is multiplied.—Multiplication table a tabular arrangement giving the products of pairs of numbers from 1 to 12.—Multiplying glass lens a glass lens with a number of facets causing an object to appear multiplied many times.





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