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[reə] or [rɛr]


(adj.) not widely distributed; 'rare herbs'; 'rare patches of green in the desert' .

(adj.) not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; 'a rare word'; 'rare books' .

(adj.) (of meat) cooked a short time; still red inside; 'rare roast beef' .

(adj.) recurring only at long intervals; 'a rare appearance'; 'total eclipses are rare events' .

(adj.) marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; 'what is so rare as a day in June'-J.R.Lowell; 'a rare skill'; 'an uncommon sense of humor'; 'she was kind to an uncommon degree' .

(adj.) having low density; 'rare gasses'; 'lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air' .

德布斯錄入--From WordNet


(a.) Early.

(superl.) Nearly raw; partially cooked; not thoroughly cooked; underdone; as, rare beef or mutton.

(superl.) Not frequent; seldom met with or occurring; unusual; as, a rare event.

(superl.) Of an uncommon nature; unusually excellent; valuable to a degree seldom found.

(superl.) Thinly scattered; dispersed.

(superl.) Characterized by wide separation of parts; of loose texture; not thick or dense; thin; as, a rare atmosphere at high elevations.



a. [1]. Thin, subtile, not dense.[2]. Scarce, uncommon, infrequent, unfrequent, singular, extraordinary, strange, out of the way, not common.[3]. Choice, fine, excellent, exquisite, incomparable, inimitable.[4]. Underdone, nearly raw, not well done or well cooked.



adj. underdone—of meat.

adj. (comp. Rā′rer; superl. Rā′rest) thin: not dense as rarefied atmosphere: sparse: seldom met with: uncommon: excellent: especially good: extraordinary.—ns. Rāre′bit an erroneous form of Welsh-rabbit; Rarefac′tion act of rarefying: expansion of aé››iform bodies.—adj. Rar′efiable capable of being rarefied.—v.t. Rarefy (rar′e-fī or rā′re-fī) to make rare thin or less dense: to expand a body.—v.i. to become less dense:—pa.t. and pa.p. rar′efied.—adv. Rāre′ly seldom: remarkably well.—ns. Rāre′ness tenuity: scarcity; Rarity (rar′i-ti) state of being rare: thinness: subtilty: something valued for its scarcity: uncommonness.





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