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[rɪ'spɒnd] or [rɪ'spɑnd]


(verb.) respond favorably or as hoped; 'The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy'.

手打:特雷弗--From WordNet


(v. i.) To say somethin in return; to answer; to reply; as, to respond to a question or an argument.

(v. i.) To show some effect in return to a force; to act in response; to accord; to correspond; to suit.

(v. i.) To render satisfaction; to be answerable; as, the defendant is held to respond in damages.

(v. t.) To answer; to reply.

(v. t.) To suit or accord with; to correspond to.

(n.) An answer; a response.

(n.) A short anthem sung at intervals during the reading of a chapter.

(n.) A half pier or pillar attached to a wall to support an arch.



v. n. [1]. Answer, reply, rejoin.[2]. [Poetical.] Correspond, suit, be agreeable.




SYN:Answer, reply, rejoin, correspond, tally, accord, meet, suit

ANT:Propound, disagree, disaccord, jar, differ



v.i. to answer or reply: to correspond to or suit: to be answerable: to make a liturgical response: to be liable for payment.—v.t. to satisfy.—n. a versicle &c. occurring at intervals as in the responses to the commandments in the Anglican service: (archit.) a pilaster &c. in a wall for receiving the impost of an arch.—ns. Respon′dence Respon′dency act of responding: reply: (Spens.) correspondence.—adj. Respon′dent answering: corresponding to expectation.—n. one who answers esp. in a law-suit: one who refutes objections.—ns. Responden′tia a loan on the cargo of a vessel; Respon′sal a liturgical response: a proctor for a monastery; Response′ a reply: an oracular answer: the answer made by the congregation to the priest during divine service: reply to an objection in a formal disputation: a short anthem sung at intervals during a lection; Responsibil′ity Respon′sibleness state of being responsible: what one is responsible for: a trust.—adj. Respon′sible liable to be called to account or render satisfaction: answerable: capable of discharging duty: able to pay.—adv. Respon′sibly.—n.pl. Respon′sions the first of the three examinations for the B.A. degree at Oxford familiarly called 'smalls.'—adj. Respon′sive inclined to respond: answering: correspondent.—adv. Respon′sively.—n. Respon′siveness the state of being responsive.—adj. Responsō′rial responsive.—n. an office-book containing the responsories.—adj. Respon′sory making answer.—n. a portion of a psalm sung between the missal lections: the answer of the people to the priest in church service: a response book.—n. Respon′sūre (obs.) response.



v.i. To make answer or disclose otherwise a consciousness of having inspired an interest in what Herbert Spencer calls 'external coexistences as Satan squat like a toad ' at the ear of Eve responded to the touch of the angel's spear. To respond in damages is to contribute to the maintenance of the plaintiff's attorney and incidentally to the gratification of the plaintiff.





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