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[flɒk] or [flɑk]


(noun.) a group of birds.

(noun.) a group of sheep or goats.

(noun.) a church congregation guided by a pastor.

(verb.) move as a crowd or in a group; 'Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears'.

手打:玛吉--From WordNet


(n.) A company or collection of living creatures; -- especially applied to sheep and birds, rarely to persons or (except in the plural) to cattle and other large animals; as, a flock of ravenous fowl.

(n.) A Christian church or congregation; considered in their relation to the pastor, or minister in charge.

(v. i.) To gather in companies or crowds.

(v. t.) To flock to; to crowd.

(n.) A lock of wool or hair.

(n.) Woolen or cotton refuse (sing. / pl.), old rags, etc., reduced to a degree of fineness by machinery, and used for stuffing unpholstered furniture.

(sing. / pl.) Very fine, sifted, woolen refuse, especially that from shearing the nap of cloths, used as a coating for wall paper to give it a velvety or clothlike appearance; also, the dust of vegetable fiber used for a similar purpose.

(v. t.) To coat with flock, as wall paper; to roughen the surface of (as glass) so as to give an appearance of being covered with fine flock.



n. [1]. Collection (of sheep, &c.), company.[2]. Lock of wool.

v. n. Congregate, herd, gather in crowds.



SYN:Herd, congregate, {[tli]?}, one, assemble, crowd

ANT:Disperse, scatter, separate, segregate



n. a company of animals as sheep birds &c.: a company generally: a Christian congregation.—v.i. to gather in flocks or in crowds.—n. Flock′-mas′ter an owner or overseer of a flock.

n. a lock of wool.—n. Floccillā′tion a delirious picking of the bed-clothes by a patient.—adjs. Floc′cose woolly; Floc′cūlar; Floc′cūlate.—n. Floc′cūlence.—adj. Floc′cūlent woolly flaky.—ns. Floc′cūlus a small flock or tuft: a small lobe of the inferior surface of the cerebellum; Floc′cus a flock or tuft of wool or wool-like hairs: the downy plumage of unfledged birds:—pl. Flocci (flok′si); Flock′-bed a bed stuffed with flock or refuse wool; Flock′-pā′per wall-paper covered with a rough surface formed of flock.—adj. Flock′y.





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