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[striːk] or [strik]


(noun.) a distinctive characteristic; 'he has a stubborn streak'; 'a streak of wildness'.

(noun.) a sudden flash (as of lightning).

(noun.) an unbroken series of events; 'had a streak of bad luck'; 'Nicklaus had a run of birdies'.

(verb.) run naked in a public place.

(verb.) move quickly in a straight line; 'The plane streaked across the sky'.

卡蜜拉整理--From WordNet


(v. t.) To stretch; to extend; hence, to lay out, as a dead body.

(n.) A line or long mark of a different color from the ground; a stripe; a vein.

(n.) A strake.

(n.) The fine powder or mark yielded by a mineral when scratched or rubbed against a harder surface, the color of which is sometimes a distinguishing character.

(n.) The rung or round of a ladder.

(v. t.) To form streaks or stripes in or on; to stripe; to variegate with lines of a different color, or of different colors.

(v. t.) With it as an object: To run swiftly.



n. [1]. Stripe.[2]. Strake.

v. a. Stripe.



n. a line or long mark different in colour from the ground a band of marked colour of some length a stripe: a slight characteristic a trace a passing mood: (min.) the appearance presented by the surface of a mineral when scratched: a strake or line of planking: a short piece of iron forming one section of a pieced tire on the wheel of an artillery-carriage.—v.t. to form streaks in: to mark with streaks.—adj. Streaked streaky striped: (U.S.) confused.—n. Streak′iness.—adj. Streak′y marked with streaks striped: uneven in quality.

v.i. (U.S.) to run swiftly.

v.t. (Scot.) to lay out a corpse for burial.—v.i. to stretch out.





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