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[hiːl] or [hil]


(noun.) the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation.

(noun.) (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft.

(noun.) the lower end of a ship's mast.

(noun.) the back part of the human foot.

(noun.) one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread.

(verb.) put a new heel on; 'heel shoes'.

(verb.) strike with the heel of the club; 'heel a golf ball'.

(verb.) perform with the heels; 'heel that dance'.

(verb.) follow at the heels of a person.

手打:诺娜--From WordNet


(v. i.) To lean or tip to one side, as a ship; as, the ship heels aport; the boat heeled over when the squall struck it.

(n.) The hinder part of the foot; sometimes, the whole foot; -- in man or quadrupeds.

(n.) The hinder part of any covering for the foot, as of a shoe, sock, etc.; specif., a solid part projecting downward from the hinder part of the sole of a boot or shoe.

(n.) The latter or remaining part of anything; the closing or concluding part.

(n.) Anything regarded as like a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob.

(n.) The part of a thing corresponding in position to the human heel; the lower part, or part on which a thing rests

(n.) The after end of a ship's keel.

(n.) The lower end of a mast, a boom, the bowsprit, the sternpost, etc.

(n.) In a small arm, the corner of the but which is upwards in the firing position.

(n.) The uppermost part of the blade of a sword, next to the hilt.

(n.) The part of any tool next the tang or handle; as, the heel of a scythe.

(n.) Management by the heel, especially the spurred heel; as, the horse understands the heel well.

(n.) The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter. In the United States, specif., the obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping.

(n.) A cyma reversa; -- so called by workmen.

(v. t.) To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, and the like.

(v. t.) To add a heel to; as, to heel a shoe.

(v. t.) To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.



v. n. (Naut.) Incline, lean.



n. the part of the foot projecting behind: the whole foot (esp. of beasts): the covering of the heel as on a boot: a spur: the hinder part of anything.—v.t. to use the heel: to furnish with heels: to arm with a steel spur as a fighting cock: to seize by the heels: (U.S.) to supply with money.—v.i. to follow well (of a dog).—n. Heel′-ball a black waxy composition for blacking the heels and soles of boots for taking impressions of coins &c. by rubbing: a shoemaker's last.—p.adj. Heeled provided with a heel shod: (U.S.) comfortably supplied with money.—n. Heel′er (U.S.) an unscrupulous hanger-on of a political party; Heel′piece a piece or cover for the heel; Heel′-tap a small quantity of beer or spirits left in the glass after drinking.—Heel and toe with proper walking as opposed to running; Heels o'er gowdy (Scot.) heels over head; Heels over head upside down.—At On Upon a person's heels close behind; Down at heel having the heels of one's shoes trodden down: slovenly: in poor circumstances; Kick one's heels to be kept waiting for some time; Lay Set Clap by the heels to fetter: to put in confinement; Out at heels having the stockings or shoes worn out at the heels; Show a clean pair of heels Take to one's heels to run off with haste: to flee; Trip up (one's) heels to trip up or overthrow him; Turn on (upon) one's heel to turn sharply round to turn back or away.

v.i. to incline: to lean on one side as a ship.—v.t. to tilt.





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