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(noun.) hitting a golf ball that is on the green using a putter; 'his putting let him down today; he didn't sink a single putt over three feet'.

(verb.) strike (a golf ball) lightly, with a putter; 'he putted the ball several feet past the hole'.

(verb.) hit a putt; 'he lost because he putted so poorly'.

卡拉校對--From WordNet


SYN:Place, lay, set, propose

ANT:Remove, raise, displace, transfer, withdraw



v.i. in golf to play with a putter.—n. a short stroke made with a putter in attempting to hole a ball.—ns. Putt′er one who throws a stone: one who takes coal along underground roads: a short stiff golf-club used in putting; Putt′er-on (Shak.) an instigator; Putt′er-out (obs.) one who deposited money on going abroad on condition of receiving a larger sum on his return the money to be forfeited in case of non-return; Putt′ing the act of hurling a heavy stone from the hand by a sudden push from the shoulder: the act of striking a golf-ball when near a hole so as to cause it to fall into it; Putt′ing-green the prepared ground immediately round a hole in a golf-course; Putt′ing-stone a heavy stone raised by the hand and thrust forward from the shoulder as a trial of strength and skill.



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