(v. t.) To seize and carry away by violence; to snatch by force.
(v. t.) To transport with joy or delight; to delight to ecstasy.
(v. t.) To have carnal knowledge of (a woman) by force, and against her consent; to rape.
v. a. [1]. Violate, deflour, constuprate, defile, abuse, debauch, outrage, commit rape upon.[2]. Enchant, charm, captivate, delight, enrapture, transport.
SYN:Entrance, transport, enchant, enrapture, charm, violate, outrage, deflour,debauch,[See DEBAUCH]
v.t. to seize or carry away by violence: to rob: to have sexual intercourse with by force: to fill with ecstasy.—n. Rav′isher.—p.adj. Rav′ishing delighting to rapture: transporting: ecstatic.—adv. Rav′ishingly in a ravishing manner: with rapture.—n. Rav′ishment act of ravishing: abduction: rape: ecstatic delight: rapture.
- Your hours will pass in dread and misery, and soon the bolt will fall which must ravish from you your happiness for ever. 瑪麗·雪萊. 弗蘭肯斯坦.
- For example, these ravishing ear-rings and this necklace so superb to correspond, were what one called a love-gift. 查理斯·狄更斯. 小杜麗.
- No tint could be more ravishing, no lustre more superb. 馬克·吐溫. 傻子出國記.
- It's for Belle, of course, George always sends her some, but these are altogether ravishing, cried Annie, with a great sniff. 路易莎·梅·奧爾科特. 小婦人.
- To one of them I owe my knowledge and my proofs--I repeat it, estimable lady--proofs--of the ravishing little family history I go to commence. 查理斯·狄更斯. 小杜麗.
- It is ravishing! 查理斯·狄更斯. 荒涼山莊.
- Your head is all I could ask, for that white bonnet with the rose is quite ravishing. 路易莎·梅·奧爾科特. 小婦人.
- Himself ravished with the contemplation of the idea of good, and delighting in solid geometry (Rep. 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- There was a simultaneous sigh, which created quite a little gust, as the last hope fled, and the treat was ravished from their longing lips. 路易莎·梅·奧爾科特. 小婦人.
- Well enough pleased, excessively enchanted, and with all their hearts ravished. 查理斯·狄更斯. 小杜麗.
- We are perfectly secure in the enjoyment of the firSt. The second may be ravished from us, but can be of no advantage to him who deprives us of them. 大衛·休謨. 人性論.
- The farther they went the more apprehensive they became, and every stump in the ravished forest looked like a bear. 弗蘭克·路易斯·戴爾. 愛迪生的生平和發明.