- The spirit of party prevails less in Scotland than in England. 亞當·斯密. 國富論.
- The usual corporation spirit, wherever the law does not restrain it, prevails in all regulated companies. 亞當·斯密. 國富論.
- A certain festive cheerfulness prevails. 赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯. 世界史綱.
- The interest in both is of the very same kind: It is general, avowed, and prevails in all times and places. 大衛·休謨. 人性論.
- But nothing so simply true as that prevails in politics. 沃爾特·李普曼. 政治序論.
- Such is the state of affairs which prevails among them. 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- One code prevails in the family; another, on the street; a third, in the workshop or store; a fourth, in the religious association. 約翰·杜威. 民主與教育.
- The reverse of this practice prevails when those policemen of the seas, the _torpedo boats_, guard the treasures of the shore. 威廉·亨利·杜利特. 世紀發明.
- The park also will be calm--I know, a mortal serenity prevails everywhere--yet let me seek the park. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 維萊特.
- One principle prevails in the souls of one class of men, another in others, as may happen? 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- It is the peremptory military spirit which prevails in the government of honour. 柏拉圖. 理想國.
- The disorder that prevails is what requires my efforts. 赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯. 世界史綱.
- Sometimes the one, sometimes the other prevails, according to the disposition and character of the person. 大衛·休謨. 人性論.