Seeing quantities of onions in your dreams, represents the amount of spite and envy that you will meet, by being successful. If you eat them, you will overcome all opposition. If you see them growing, there will be just enough of rivalry in your affairs, to make things interesting. Cooked onions, denote placidity and small gains in business. To dream that you are cutting onions and feel the escaping juice in your eyes, denotes that you will be defeated by your rivals.
- Thy onions are affecting thy brain, Agustín said. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- Aymo had a basin of spaghetti with onions and tinned meat chopped up in it. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 永別了,武器.
- Them 's particular onions I was a savin' for dis yer very stew. 哈麗葉特·比切·斯托. 湯姆叔叔的小屋.
- Are you a good judge of potatoes and onions? 伊莉莎白·蓋斯凱爾. 南方與北方.
- It was rabbit cooked with onions and green peppers and there were chick peas in the red wine sauce. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- Eatest thou always onions for breakfast? 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- What are you, drunk on onions? 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- He could smell food now in the cave, the smell of oil and of onions and of meat frying and his stomach moved with hunger inside of him. 歐尼斯特·海明威. 喪鐘為誰而鳴.
- The greater part of the apples, and even of the onions, consumed in Great Britain, were, in the last century, imported from Flanders. 亞當·斯密. 國富論.
- These boys had a horse and small wagon intrusted to them, and every morning in the season they would load up with onions, lettuce, peas, etc. 弗蘭克·路易斯·戴爾. 愛迪生的生平和發明.
- Well, here are these onions. 哈麗葉特·比切·斯托. 湯姆叔叔的小屋.