- Through his extraordinary energy and enterprise the business made enormous strides, and Mr. Rathenau has become one of the most conspicuous industrial figures in his native country. 弗蘭克·路易斯·戴爾. 愛迪生的生平和發明.
- Mr. Pickwick walked with angry strides into the street. 查理斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外傳.
- While the twain are faithful to their post, Mr. George strides through the streets with a massive kind of swagger and a grave-enough face. 查理斯·狄更斯. 荒涼山莊.
- Gerald Crich, his face narrowing to an intent gleam, followed up the hill with quick strides, straight after Gudrun. 大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯. 戀愛中的女人.
- The linen manufacture has not yet obtained it, but is making great strides towards it. 亞當·斯密. 國富論.
- He overtook her in a few quick strides, and laid an entreating hand on her arm. 伊蒂絲·華頓. 快樂之家.
- A pretty character to bear, the trooper growls with a hasty oath as he strides downstairs. 查理斯·狄更斯. 荒涼山莊.