[ɪ'reɪdɪeɪt] or [ɪ'redɪɪt]
(verb.) expose to radiation; 'irradiate food'.
(verb.) cast rays of light upon.
弗雷达錄入--From WordNet
(v. t.) To throw rays of light upon; to illuminate; to brighten; to adorn with luster.
(v. t.) To enlighten intellectually; to illuminate; as, to irradiate the mind.
(v. t.) To animate by heat or light.
(v. t.) To radiate, shed, or diffuse.
(v. i.) To emit rays; to shine.
(a.) Illuminated; irradiated.
v. a. Illuminate, illumine, illume, brighten, light up, make bright, shine upon, throw light upon, cast lustre upon, adorn with light.
v.t. to dart rays of light upon or into: to adorn with lustre: to decorate with shining ornaments: to animate with light or heat: to illuminate the understanding.—v.i. to emit rays: to shine.—adj. adorned with rays of light or with lustre.—ns. Irrā′diance Irrā′diancy the throwing of rays of light on (any object): that which irradiates or is irradiated: beams of light emitted: splendour.—adj. Irrā′diant irradiating or shedding beams of light.—n. Irradiā′tion act of irradiating or emitting beams of light: that which is irradiated: brightness: intellectual light.—adj. Irrā′diātive.
- Once my heart sat lightly in my bosom; all the beauty of the world was doubly beautiful, irradiated by the sun-light shed from my own soul. 瑪麗·雪萊. 最後一個人.
- A smile now irradiated the features of the beautiful vision. 哈裡特·威爾遜. 哈裡特·威爾遜回忆录.
- The strength of the victory shone forth from her as she lifted her irradiated face from the child on her knees. 伊蒂絲·華頓. 快樂之家.
- A smile irradiated his face as she bent to kiss him. 查理斯·狄更斯. 荒涼山莊.
- The glow that shone upon him as he spoke the words, so irradiated his features that he looked, for the time, as though he had never been mutilated. 查理斯·狄更斯. 我們共同的朋友.
- My dear Jarndyce, returned Mr. Skimpole, his genial face irradiated by the comicality of this idea, what am I to do? 查理斯·狄更斯. 荒涼山莊.
- Oh, my life is very simple, said Dorothea, her lips curling with an exquisite smile, which irradiated her melancholy. 喬治·艾略特. 米德爾馬契.
- He stands before me again, his bluff hairy face irradiating with a joyful love and pride, for which I can find no description. 查理斯·狄更斯. 大衛·科波菲爾.