
['tremb(ə)l] or ['trɛmbl]


(noun.) a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement.

(verb.) move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways; 'His hands were trembling when he signed the document'.

Typist: Shane--From WordNet


(v. i.) To shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, or weakness; to quake; to quiver; to shiver; to shudder; -- said of a person or an animal.

(v. i.) To totter; to shake; -- said of a thing.

(v. i.) To quaver or shake, as sound; to be tremulous; as the voice trembles.

(n.) An involuntary shaking or quivering.

Editor: Rodney

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. [1]. Quake, shudder, shiver, quiver.[2]. Shake, totter, oscillate, rock.[3]. Quaver.

Checked by Letitia

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Shake, quake, quiver, totter, shiver, shudder, vibrate, jar

ANT:Stand, steady, settle, still, calm

Edited by Constantine


v.i. to shake as from fear cold or weakness: to shiver: to shake as sound.—n. the act of trembling: a morbid trembling.—ns. Trem′blement; Trem′bler; Trem′bling.—adv. Trem′blingly.—n. Trem′bling-pop′lar the aspen.—adj. Trem′bly tremulous.—adv. tremulously.—adjs. Trem′ūlant Trem′ūlous trembling: affected with fear: quivering.—adv. Trem′ūlously.—n. Trem′ūlousness.

Typed by Katie


Editor: Maynard


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