
[θriː] or [θri]


(noun.) the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.

(adj.) being one more than two .

Inputed by Camille--From WordNet


(a.) One more than two; two and one.

(n.) The number greater by a unit than two; three units or objects.

(n.) A symbol representing three units, as 3 or iii.

Edited by Astor


adj. and n. two and one.—adj. Three′-cor′nered having three corners or angles: (bot.) having three prominent longitudinal angles as a stem.—n. Three′-deck′er ship of war carrying guns on three decks: an old-fashioned pulpit.—adjs. Three′fold folded thrice: thrice repeated: consisting of three; Three′-foot measuring three feet or having three feet; Three′-leafed -leaved (bot.) having three distinct leaflets: having the leaves arranged in threes; Three′-lobed (bot.) having three lobes; Three′-man (Shak.) worked by three men.—n. Three′-mas′ter a ship with three masts.—adjs. Three′-nerved having three nerves: (bot.) having three distinct nerves running longitudinally without branching as a leaf; Three′-nooked (Shak.) three-cornered; Three′-part′ed consisting of three parts: (bot.) divided into three parts down to the base as a leaf.—n. Threepence (thrē′pens coll. thrip′ens) three pennies: a silver coin of the value of threepence.—adj. Three′penny worth threepence: of little worth: mean vulgar.—ns. Three′-per-cents. bonds or other securities paying three per cent. interest esp. a portion of the consolidated debt of Great Britain; Three′-pile (Shak.) the finest kind of velvet.—adjs. Three′-piled set with a thick pile as velvet: (Shak.) of the best quality: (Shak.) piled one on another; Three′ply having three plies or folds; Three′score three times a score sixty (also n.); Three′-sid′ed having three sides; Three′some triple; Three′-suit′ed having but three suits of clothes; Three′-valved consisting of or opening with three valves.—Three F's free sale fixity of tenure fair rent—the three demands of the Irish Land League; Three R's (see R); Three times three three cheers thrice repeated.

Checker: Mara


Checked by Llewellyn


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