


(n.) Animal jelly; glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by prolonged boiling. Specifically (Physiol. Chem.), a nitrogeneous colloid, not existing as such in the animal body, but formed by the hydrating action of boiling water on the collagen of various kinds of connective tissue (as tendons, bones, ligaments, etc.). Its distinguishing character is that of dissolving in hot water, and forming a jelly on cooling. It is an important ingredient of calf's-foot jelly, isinglass, glue, etc. It is used as food, but its nutritious qualities are of a low order.

(n.) Same as Gelatin.

Checker: Paulette


n. an animal substance which dissolves in hot water and forms a jelly when cold.—adj. Gelatig′enous producing gelatine.—vs.t. Gelat′ināte Gelat′inīse to make into gelatine or jelly.—vs.i. to be converted into gelatine or jelly.—ns. Gelatinā′tion Gelatinisā′tion.—adjs. Gelatin′iform having the form of gelatine; Gela′tinoid like gelatine; Gelat′inous resembling or formed into jelly.—n. Gelā′tion solidification by cold.—Explosive gelatine a powerful explosive made by gently heating nitro-glycerine in a water-bath then dissolving gun-cotton in it.

Edited by Jason


Checker: Mollie


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