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[seks] or [sɛks]


(noun.) the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; 'she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus'.

(noun.) all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; 'he wanted a better sex life'; 'the film contained no sex or violence'.

(noun.) either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; 'the war between the sexes'.

(verb.) tell the sex (of young chickens).

格雷戈里錄入--From WordNet


(n.) The distinguishing peculiarity of male or female in both animals and plants; the physical difference between male and female; the assemblage of properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female.

(n.) One of the two divisions of organic beings formed on the distinction of male and female.

(n.) The capability in plants of fertilizing or of being fertilized; as, staminate and pistillate flowers are of opposite sexes.

(n.) One of the groups founded on this distinction.



n. the distinction between male and female: the characteristics by which an animal or plant is male or female gender: the female sex women generally usually with the definite article.—adj. Sex′less having no sex.—n. Sex′lessness.—adj. Sex′ūal pertaining to sex: distinguished or founded on the sex: relating to the distinct organs of the sexes.—v.t. Sex′ūalise to distinguish as sexed.—ns. Sex′ūalist one who classifies plants according to the differences of the sexes; Sexūal′ity state or quality of being sexual.—adv. Sex′ūally.—Sexual affinity the instinctive attraction of one sex for another; Sexual organs the organs of generation; Sexual selection that province of natural selection in which sex comes into play.

n. (eccles.) the office of the sixth hour originally said at midday: (mus.) the interval of a sixth.—adj. Sex′tan recurring every sixth day.





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