[ə'dʒɒɪn] or [ə'dʒɔɪn]
(v. t.) To join or unite to; to lie contiguous to; to be in contact with; to attach; to append.
(v. i.) To lie or be next, or in contact; to be contiguous; as, the houses adjoin.
(v. i.) To join one's self.
v. a. Be contiguous to, lie near to, lie close to, border upon, be adjacent to.
v. n. [Rare.] Border, lie near, lie close, be contiguous, be adjacent.
v.i. to lie next to.—adj. Adjoin′ing joining to: near: adjacent.—n. Ad′joint a civil officer who assists a French maire: an assistant professor in a French college.
- A private sitting-room having been engaged, bedrooms inspected, and dinner ordered, the party walked out to view the city and adjoining neighbourhood. 查理斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外傳.
- But he himself was in a little room adjoining, at work with his turning apparatus, and he called to the baronet to join him there. 喬治·艾略特. 米德爾馬契.
- They slept in adjoining rooms, and Mrs. King had rushed in to Saunders. 亞瑟·柯南·道爾. 福爾摩斯歸來記.
- What has become of Mr. Brownlow, who used to live in the adjoining house, do you know? 查理斯·狄更斯. 霧都孤兒.
- Somerset, Lord Berwick and Lord Worcester, with your humble servant, in two private boxes adjoining each other. 哈裡特·威爾遜. 哈裡特·威爾遜回忆录.
- When I first went on deck I entered the captain's room adjoining the pilot-house, and threw myself on a sofa. 尤利西斯·格蘭特. U.S.格蘭特的個人回憶錄.
- He led her into an adjoining room, leaving Mrs. Yeobright by the fire. 湯瑪斯·哈代. 還鄉.
- A breakfast-room adjoined the drawing-room, I slipped in there. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 簡·愛.
- I had unquestionably observed the man leaving a house which closely adjoined Mrs. Catherick's residence. 威爾基·柯林斯. 白衣女人.
- Joe's forge adjoined our house, which was a wooden house, as many of the dwellings in our country were,--most of them, at that time. 查理斯·狄更斯. 遠大前程.
- One day, Thérèse, whose bed-chamber adjoined that of William Lamb, overheard the following conversation between them. 哈裡特·威爾遜. 哈裡特·威爾遜回忆录.
- She always sat upstairs: her drawing-room adjoined her bed-room. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 維萊特.