
['perɪʃ] or ['pɛrɪʃ]


(v. i.) To be destroyed; to pass away; to become nothing; to be lost; to die; hence, to wither; to waste away.

(v. t.) To cause perish.

Inputed by Boris

Synonyms and Synonymous

v. n. [1]. Decay, waste, wither, pass away, be destroyed, be ruined, be lost, come to nought, go to destruction.[2]. Die, expire, decease, cease to exist.

Editor: Lucius

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Decay, waste_away, be_ruined, be_destroyed, die, expire, fade_away,[SeeDECAY]

Editor: Trudy


v.i. to pass away completely: to waste away: to decay: to lose life: to be destroyed: to be ruined or lost.—ns. Perishabil′ity Per′ishableness the quality of being liable to speedy decay or destruction.—adj. Per′ishable that may perish: subject to speedy decay.—adv. Per′ishably.—v.i. Per′ishen (Spens.) to perish.

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