
[məʊld] or [mold]


(noun.) container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens.

(noun.) sculpture produced by molding.

(noun.) a distinctive nature, character, or type; 'a leader in the mold of her predecessors'.

(noun.) a dish or dessert that is formed in or on a mold; 'a lobster mold'; 'a gelatin dessert made in a mold'.

(noun.) a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter.

(noun.) loose soil rich in organic matter.

(verb.) become moldy; spoil due to humidity; 'The furniture molded in the old house'.

(verb.) fit tightly, follow the contours of; 'The dress molds her beautiful figure'.

Edited by Jeremy--From WordNet


(n.) A spot; a blemish; a mole.

(v.) Alt. of Mould

(v. t.) Alt. of Mould

(n.) Alt. of Mould

(v. t.) Alt. of Mould

(v. i.) Alt. of Mould

(n.) Alt. of Mould

(v. t.) Alt. of Mould

Editor: Rudolf

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Fashion, shape, manipulate, for, {[n]?}, cast, configure

ANT:Distort, strain, pervert, mis_shape

Checked by Brett


See Mould.

Edited by Leah


Typist: Wolfgang


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