
['med(ə)l] or ['mɛdl]


(n.) A piece of metal in the form of a coin, struck with a device, and intended to preserve the remembrance of a notable event or an illustrious person, or to serve as a reward.

(v. t.) To honor or reward with a medal.

Checked by Clarice


n. a piece of metal in the form of a coin bearing some device or inscription struck or cast: a reward of merit.—v.t. to decorate with a medal.—n. Med′alet a small medal esp. the representation of saints worn by Roman Catholics.—adj. Medall′ic pertaining to medals.—ns. Medall′ion a large medal: a bas-relief of a round (sometimes a square) form: a round ornament enclosing a portrait or lock of hair; Med′allist Med′alist one skilled in medals: an engraver of medals: one who has gained a medal; Med′allurgy the art of producing medals and coins.

Editor: Lou

Unserious Contents or Definition

To dream of medals, denotes honors gained by application and industry. To lose a medal, denotes misfortune through the unfaithfulness of others.

Typist: Wilhelmina

Unserious Contents or Definition

n. A small metal disk given as a reward for virtues attainments or services more or less authentic.

Inputed by Dustin


Checker: Rupert


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