
[blɑːst] or [blæst]


(noun.) a very long fly ball.

(noun.) an explosion (as of dynamite).

(verb.) shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly.

(verb.) shatter as if by explosion.

(verb.) fire a shot; 'the gunman blasted away'.

(verb.) use explosives on; 'The enemy has been shelling us all day'.

(verb.) make with or as if with an explosion; 'blast a tunnel through the Alps'.

(verb.) create by using explosives; 'blast a passage through the mountain'.

(verb.) apply a draft or strong wind to to; 'the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us'.

(verb.) make a strident sound; 'She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone'.

Typist: Willard--From WordNet


(n.) A violent gust of wind.

(n.) A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace; as, to melt so many tons of iron at a blast.

(n.) The exhaust steam from and engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast.

(n.) The sound made by blowing a wind instrument; strictly, the sound produces at one breath.

(n.) A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight.

(n.) The act of rending, or attempting to rend, heavy masses of rock, earth, etc., by the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; also, the charge used for this purpose.

(n.) A flatulent disease of sheep.

(v. t.) To injure, as by a noxious wind; to cause to wither; to stop or check the growth of, and prevent from fruit-bearing, by some pernicious influence; to blight; to shrivel.

(v. t.) Hence, to affect with some sudden violence, plague, calamity, or blighting influence, which destroys or causes to fail; to visit with a curse; to curse; to ruin; as, to blast pride, hopes, or character.

(v. t.) To confound by a loud blast or din.

(v. t.) To rend open by any explosive agent, as gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; to shatter; as, to blast rocks.

(v. i.) To be blighted or withered; as, the bud blasted in the blossom.

(v. i.) To blow; to blow on a trumpet.

Typist: Moira

Synonyms and Synonymous

n. [1]. Gust, squall, sudden breeze.[2]. Peal, blare, clang.[3]. Explosion, outbreak, burst, discharge.[4]. Blight, pestilential influence.

v. a. [1]. Blight, kill, destroy, ruin, annihilate, wither, shrivel.[2]. Rend by explosion.

Checked by Lionel

Synonyms and Antonyms

SYN:Blight, shrivel, destroy, wither

ANT:Restore, expand, swell

SYN:Breeze, efflation, explosion, blight, burst, blaze, frustration, destruction,squall, gale, tempest, hurricane, affiliation

ANT:Zephyr, gentle_breeze, neutralization

Typed by Gus


n. a blowing or gust of wind: a forcible stream of air: sound of a wind instrument; an explosion of gunpowder: anything pernicious.—v.t. to strike with some pernicious influence to blight: to affect with sudden violence or calamity: to rend asunder with gunpowder.—adj. Blast′ed blighted: cursed damned.—ns. Blast′-fur′nace a smelting furnace into which hot air is blown; Blast′-hole a hole in the bottom of a pump through which water enters; Blast′ing the separating of masses of stone by means of an explosive substance; Blast′ing-gel′atine a powerful explosive made of gun-cotton and nitro-glycerine; Blast′ment withering or shrivelling up caused by blasting; Blast′-pipe a pipe in a steam-engine to convey the waste-steam up the chimney.

Editor: Pedro


Typed by Benjamin


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